ACL Schema Definitions

The schema defines the following properties:

legacy_guid (IdentifierType)

group_permissions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type GroupPermissionsType.

system_identity (SystemIdentityType)

provider_identity (ProviderIdentityType)

single_instance_identity (SingleInstanceIdentityType)

catalog_item_identity (CatalogItemIdentityType)

Sub Schemas

The schema defines the following additional types:

SingleInstanceIdentityType (object)

Properties of the SingleInstanceIdentityType object:

target_id (IdentifierType, required)

target (, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

GroupPermissionsType (object)

Properties of the GroupPermissionsType object:

permissions (array)

group_id (string)


This element must be one of the following enum values:

IdentifierType (string)

GranuleIdentifierType (object)

Properties of the GranuleIdentifierType object:

access_value (AccessValueType)

temporal (TemporalIdentifierType)

SystemIdentityType (object)

Properties of the SystemIdentityType object:

target (, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

TemporalIdentifierType (object)

Properties of the TemporalIdentifierType object:

start_date (string, required)

stop_date (string, required)

mask (, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

CatalogItemIdentityType (object)

Properties of the CatalogItemIdentityType object:

name (IdentifierType, required)

provider_id (IdentifierType, required)

collection_applicable (boolean)

granule_applicable (boolean)

collection_identifier (CollectionIdentifierType)

granule_identifier (GranuleIdentifierType)

CollectionIdentifierType (object)

Properties of the CollectionIdentifierType object:

entry_titles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

concept-ids (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

access_value (AccessValueType)

temporal (TemporalIdentifierType)

AccessValueType (object)

Properties of the AccessValueType object:

min_value (number)

max_value (number)

include_undefined_value (boolean)

ProviderIdentityType (object)

Properties of the ProviderIdentityType object:

provider_id (IdentifierType, required)

target (, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values: