Site Routes & Web Resources Documentation

See also the API Documentation.

Table of Contents


The CMR Search Site defines the following application routes, relative to the base CMR Search URL. These resources at the URLs are generated dynamically using page templates (cached).

Path Description
/ The CMR Search "home" page
/sitemap.xml The master CMR Search sitemap index (submit this to search engines)
/site/sitemap.xml The sitemap for the directory pages
/site/collections/directory A listing of supported collection directories
/site/collections/directory/eosdis A listing of EOSDIS collection directories
/site/collections/directory/:provider-id/:tag A listing of collection landing pages by provider and tag
/site/collections/directory/:provider-id/:tag/sitemap.xml Sitemaps for collection landing pages by provider and tag

Note that in production, the base CMR Search URL is /search, while in development it is /.

Cached Content

Some of the dynamic routes listed above may potentially generate content based on time-consuming queries, thus requiring longer rendering times. This can have a negative impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and thus the ability of our users to find the appropriate content using web search engines. As such, we have selectively cached such "expensive" pages in CMR's memory and regularly regenerate them.

These are the routes that have been selected for caching:


An administrator with system object INGEST_MANAGEMENT_ACL update permission can force the above resourcces to be regenerated by passing in the query string ?regenerate=true at the end of the path.

Static Assets and Content

The CMR Search Site defines the following static resources. As above, the URLs listed are relative to the base CMR Search URL.

Path Description
/site/docs/search Documentation index (links)
/site/docs/search/api The API documentation
/site/docs/search/site The documentation for site routes and web resources

Additionally, static assets are made available at the site root, serving CSS and JavaScript files.


The following redirects are defined in order to assist with a better organized documentation URL structure.

Path Destination HTTP Status Code
/site/search_api_docs.html /site/docs/search/api.html 301
/site/search_site_docs.html /site/docs/search/site.html 301
/site/docs/search/api /site/docs/search/api.html 307
/site/docs/search/site /site/docs/search/site.html 307

The permanent redirects have been added as means of providing backwards compatibility for users who have bookmarked the old URLs. The temporary redirects are provided in order to future-proof docs URL organization work. When that work is complete, the redirect locations will be updated and status codes will be set to permanent.