Provider Holdings Directory


Landing Pages for SEDAC

Listed below are all of the EOSDIS holdings for the SEDAC provider. Each is linked to the collection's landing page.

Collection Short Name Version Directory
2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2000 2000.00 Browse 2 Granules
2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2001 2001.00 Browse 4 Granules
2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2002 2002.00 Browse 4 Granules
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2005 2005.00 Browse 14 Granules
2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2008 2008.00 Browse 6 Granules
2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2010 2010.00 Browse 5 Granules
2012 Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2012 2012.00 Browse 6 Granules
2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2014 2014.00 Browse 12 Granules
2015 Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_USUEXT2015 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2016 2016.00 Browse 5 Granules
2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2018 2018.00 Browse 4 Granules
2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2020 2020.00 Browse 8 Granules
2022 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2022 2022.00 Browse 8 Granules
ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data with CIESIN Modifications, Version 2 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSF_HWSPDCMv2 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data, Version 2 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSF_HWSPDv2 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
Altimeter Corrected Elevations, Version 2 (ACE2) CIESIN_SEDAC_DEDC_ACE_V2 2.00 Browse 1093 Granules
Annual Global High-Resolution Extreme Heat Estimates (GEHE), 1983-2016 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_GEHE 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Annual Mean PM2.5 Components (EC, NH4, NO3, OC, SO4) 50m Urban and 1km Non-Urban Area Grids for Contiguous U.S., 2000-2019 v1 CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_PM25COM_US_1KM 1.00 Browse 200 Granules
Annual Mean PM2.5 Components Trace Elements (TEs) 50m Urban and 1km Non-Urban Area Grids for Contiguous U.S., 2000-2019, v1 CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_TRACE_US_1KM 1.00 Browse 400 Granules
Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for Countries and Urban Areas, 1998-2016 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_APM25_URBAN 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_ANTHROMES_v1 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 2: 1700 CIESIN_SEDAC_ANTHROMES_v2_1700 2.00 Browse 14 Granules
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 2: 1800 CIESIN_SEDAC_ANTHROMES_v2_1800 2.00 Browse 14 Granules
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 2: 1900 CIESIN_SEDAC_ANTHROMES_v2_1900 2.00 Browse 14 Granules
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, Version 2: 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_ANTHROMES_v2_2000 2.00 Browse 14 Granules
Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, 1850-2005: National and Regional Data Set by Source Category, Version 2.86 CIESIN_SEDAC_HASO2_SO2_1850-2005 2.86 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1980 SAS Transport Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1980_SAS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Census Block Statistics CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_CBS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Enhanced Migration Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_EMF 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Public Use Microdata Sample Areas (PUMA) Boundary Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_PBF 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 SAS Transport Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_SAS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Standard Extract Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_SEF 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Street Intersections CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_SI 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 Summary Tape File (STF1B) CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_STF1B 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1990 ZIP Equivalency Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1990_ZIPEF 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1992 Boundary Files CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_1992_BF 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
CODATA Catalog of Roads Data Sets, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_GROADS_CCRDSv1 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Central American Vegetation/Land Cover Classification and Conservation Status CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_CAMVEGLCCCS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: Agricultural Statistics of the People's Republic of China: 1949-1990 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_STAT_1949-1990 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: Bibliography of Chinese Administrative Geography CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_BIB_ADM_GEOG 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: China Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1M, County Level, 1 July 1990 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_ADM_GIS_JUL90 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: China Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1M, County Level, 1990 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_ ADM_GIS_1990 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: China County-Level Data from Provincial Economic Yearbooks, Keyed to 1:1M GIS Map CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_CTY_ECON_YRBK 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: China County-Level Data on Population (Census) and Agriculture, Keyed to 1:1M GIS Map CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_CTY_POPAG_GIS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: China Maps Bibliographic Database CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_MAPS_BIBDB 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: Chinese County-Level Data on Hospitals and Epidemiology Stations, 1950-1985 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_HOS_EPI_50-85 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: Fundamental GIS: Digital Chart of China, 1:1M, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_FUNDGIS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: GuoBiao (GB) Codes for the Administrative Divisions of the Peoples Republic of China CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_GBCODES 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
China Dimensions Data Collection: Priority Programme for China's Agenda 21 CIESIN_SEDAC_CD_AGENDA21 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: 2004 Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_2004EVI 2004.00 Browse 1 Granule
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: 2006 National Footprint Accounts (NFA) CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_2006NFA 2006.00 Browse 1 Granule
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: Ancillary Data CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_ANC 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: Complete Collection, Version 1.1 CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_COMPLETE_V11 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainable Indicators CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_RIOJO 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicator Collections: The Wellbeing of Nations CIESIN_SEDAC_CESIC_WELLBEING 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Country Trends in Major Air Pollutants CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_CTMAP_2003_2018 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Country-Level GDP and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES A1, A2, B1, and B2 Marker Scenarios, 1990-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDP_CGDP_A1A2B1B2 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Country-Level Population and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES A1, B1, and A2 Scenarios, 1990-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDP_CPOP_A1B1A2 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Country-Level Population and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, 1990-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDP_CPOP_B2 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Daily 8-Hour Maximum and Annual O3 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, Version 1.10 (2000-2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_DAO3_US_1KM_1.10 1.10 Browse 410 Granules
Daily 8-Hour Maximum and Annual O3 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 - 2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_DAO3_US_1KM 1.00 Browse 410 Granules
Daily and Annual NO2 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, Version 1.10 (2000-2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_DANO2_US_1KM_1.10 1.10 Browse 410 Granules
Daily and Annual NO2 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 - 2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_NO2_US_1KM 1.00 Browse 410 Granules
Daily and Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, Version 1.10 (2000-2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_DAPM25_US_1KM_1.10 1.10 Browse 410 Granules
Daily and Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 - 2016) CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_DAPM25_US_1KM 1.0 Browse 410 Granules
Daily and Annual PM2.5, O3, and NO2 Concentrations at ZIP Codes for the Contiguous U.S., 2000-2016, v1.0 CIESIN_SEDAC_AQDH_PM25O3NO2_ZIPCODE 1.00 Browse 6 Granules
Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_DESLUIS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Development Threat Index CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_DT1_V1 1.00 Browse 20 Granules
Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production from SRES Emissions and Socioeconomic Scenarios CIESIN_SEDAC_CROPCLIM_EFCCGPSRES 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Food Insecurity Hotspots Data Set CIESIN_SEDAC_FOOD_FIH_V1 1.00 Browse 10 Granules
Geocoded Disasters (GDIS) Dataset CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_GDIS 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico (GEO-MEX): GIS of Mexican States, Municipalities and Islands CIESIN_SEDAC_GEO-MEX_GIS_SMI 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico (GEO-MEX): Population Database of Mexico CIESIN_SEDAC_GEO-MEX_POPDBMEX 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico (GEO-MEX): Raster Based GIS Coverage of Mexican Population CIESIN_SEDAC_GEO-MEX_RASTERGIS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico (GEO-MEX): Urban Place GIS Coverage of Mexico CIESIN_SEDAC_GEO-MEX_URBANGIS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Georeferenced Population Datasets of Mexico (GEO-MEX): Urban Place Time-Series Population of Mexico CIESIN_SEDAC_GEO-MEX_URB_TSER 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Georeferenced U.S. County-Level Population Projections, Total and by Sex, Race and Age, Based on the SSPs, 2020-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_PPUSCASRCSSP 1.00 Browse 5 Granules
Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_SSPBSYR_1km 1.01 Browse 18 Granules
Global 1-km Downscaled Urban Land Extent Projection and Base Year Grids by SSP Scenarios, 2000-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSP_1-kmDULEPBYGSSP 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled GDP Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, 1990 and 2025 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDP_GGDP_B2 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled Population Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, 1990 and 2025 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDP_GPOP_B2 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_NO2 1.00 Browse 16 Granules
Global Agricultural Lands: Croplands, 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_AGLANDS_CROP2000 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Agricultural Lands: Pastures, 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_AGLANDS_PAS2000 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), 1998-2019, V4.GL.03 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_GWRPM25_MMSAOD_4GL03 4.03 Browse 22 Granules
Global Cyclone Hazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_CYCLONE_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Cyclone Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_CYCLONE_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Cyclone Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_CYCLONE_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Cyclone Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_CYCLONE_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Database of Light-based Geospatial Income Inequality (LGII) Measures, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_SPATIALECON_LGII_V1 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Development Potential Indices CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_DPI 1.00 Browse 26 Granules
Global Drought Hazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_DROUGHT_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Drought Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_DROUGHT_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Drought Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_DROUGHT_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_DROUGHT_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Earthquake Hazard Distribution - Peak Ground Acceleration CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_EQUAKE_PGA 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Earthquake Hazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_EQUAKE_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Earthquake Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_EQUAKE_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Earthquake Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_EQUAKE_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Earthquake Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_EQUAKE_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Estimated Net Migration Grids by Decade: 1970-2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_NETMIG_1970_2000 1.00 Browse 6 Granules
Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1: Nitrogen Fertilizer Application CIESIN_SEDAC_FERMANv1_NAPP 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1: Nitrogen in Manure Production CIESIN_SEDAC_FERMANv1_NMAN 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1: Phosphorus Fertilizer Application CIESIN_SEDAC_FERMANv1_PAPP 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1: Phosphorus in Manure Production CIESIN_SEDAC_FERMANv1_PMAN 1.00 Browse 14 Granules
Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Country-Level Tabular Data: 1997-2015 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_GFED4_CLTAB 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Grids: 1997-2015 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_GFED4_GRIDS 1.00 Browse 160 Granules
Global Flood Hazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_FLOOD_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Flood Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_FLOOD_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Flood Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_FLOOD_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Flood Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_FLOOD_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Grid of Probabilities of Urban Expansion to 2030 CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_PUEXPANS_2030 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Gridded Geographically Based Economic Data (G-Econ), Version 4 CIESIN_SEDAC_SPATIALECON_GECON4 4.00 Browse 3 Granules
Global Gridded Relative Deprivation Index (GRDI), Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_GRDI_2010_2020 1.00 Browse 9 Granules
Global High Resolution Daily Extreme Urban Heat Exposure (UHE-Daily), 1983-2016 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_UHE 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat CIESIN_SEDAC_ULANDSAT_HBASE_V1 1.00 Browse 14726 Granules
Global Human Modification of Terrestrial Systems CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_HMTS 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Global Human Settlement Layer: Population and Built-Up Estimates, and Degree of Urbanization Settlement Model Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GHSL_PBSMOD 1.0 Browse 8 Granules
Global Landslide Hazard Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_LSLIDE_HD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Landslide Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_LSLIDE_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Landslide Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_LSLIDE_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_LSLIDE_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) Dataset From Landsat CIESIN_SEDAC_ULANDSAT_GMIS_V1 1.00 Browse 7360 Granules
Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_LULC_MANGROVES_2000 1.00 Browse 111 Granules
Global Monthly and Seasonal Urban and Land Backscatter Time Series, 1993-2020 CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_BSCATTER_1993_2020 1.00 Browse 12 Granules
Global Multihazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_MULTI_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Multihazard Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_MULTI_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Multihazard Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_MULTI_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Multihazard Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_MULTI_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global One-Eighth Degree Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_SSPBSYR_1_8th 1.01 Browse 23 Granules
Global One-Eighth Degree Urban Land Extent Projection and Base Year Grids by SSP Scenarios, 2000-2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSP_1-8thDULEPBYGSSP 1.00 Browse 21 Granules
Global Pesticide Grids (PEST-CHEMGRIDS), Version 1.01 CIESIN_SEDAC_FERMANv1_PESTG_V1.01 1.01 Browse 2 Granules
Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_POPCGTSE 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_POPDGTSE 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
Global Reservoir and Dam Database, Version 1 (GRanDv1): Dams, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_GRANDv1_DAMS 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
Global Reservoir and Dam Database, Version 1 (GRanDv1): Reservoirs, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_GRANDv1_RESERVOIRS 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
Global Roads Open Access Data Set, Version 1 (gROADSv1) CIESIN_SEDAC_GROADS_V1 1.00 Browse 13 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Coastlines CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_COASTLINES 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_LGUAG 1.00 Browse 717 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): National Administrative Boundaries CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_NADMINBND 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): National Identifier Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_NATIDEN 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Population Count Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_POPCOUNT 1.00 Browse 2151 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Population Density Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_POPDENS 1.00 Browse 2142 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Settlement Points CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_STLMNT 1.00 Browse 720 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Settlement Points, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_STLMNT01 1.01 Browse 2 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Urban Extent Polygons, Revision 02 CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_EXT02 1.02 Browse 2 Granules
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Urban Extents Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GRUMPv1_EXT 1.00 Browse 716 Granules
Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates, Version 2.01 CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_IMR_V2.01 2.01 Browse 6 Granules
Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, 2013 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_LST2013 1.00 Browse 6 Granules
Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, 2013 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_UHI2013 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Global Urban Polygons and Points Dataset (GUPPD), Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_GUPPD_V1 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Global Volcano Hazard Frequency and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_VOLCANO_HFD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Volcano Mortality Risks and Distribution CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_VOLCANO_MRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Volcano Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_VOLCANO_PELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Global Volcano Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles CIESIN_CHRR_NDH_VOLCANO_TELRD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Centroids CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_CENTROIDS 3.00 Browse 14 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Coastlines CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_COASTLINES 3.00 Browse 1 Granule
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_LANDGEOG 3.00 Browse 1077 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): National Administrative Boundaries CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_NADMINBND 3.00 Browse 1 Granule
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): National Identifier Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_NATIDEN 3.00 Browse 3 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Population Count Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_POPCOUNT 3.00 Browse 1140 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Population Count Grid, Future Estimates CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_POPCOUNTFE 3.00 Browse 786 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Population Density Grid CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_POPDENS 3.00 Browse 1136 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Population Density Grid, Future Estimates CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_POPDENSFE 3.00 Browse 768 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 3 (GPWv3): Subnational Administrative Boundaries CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv3_SUBADBND 3.00 Browse 240 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Administrative Unit Center Points with Population Estimates, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_ADUCPPE_R11 4.11 Browse 915 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Basic Demographic Characteristics, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_BDC_R11 4.11 Browse 284 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Data Quality Indicators, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_DQI_R11 4.11 Browse 30 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Land and Water Area, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_LANDH2OAREA_R11 4.11 Browse 20 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): National Identifier Grid, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_NATIDEN_R11 4.11 Browse 10 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP Country Totals, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_APCT_WPP_2015_R11 4.11 Browse 54 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_POPCOUNT_R11 4.11 Browse 54 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision UN WPP Country Totals, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_APDENS_WPP_2015_R11 4.11 Browse 54 Granules
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density, Revision 11 CIESIN_SEDAC_GPWv4_POPDENS_R11 4.11 Browse 54 Granules
Gridded Species Distribution: Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SPECIES_AMP_RICH15 2015.00 Browse 5 Granules
Gridded Species Distribution: Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SPECIES_MAM_RICH15 2015.00 Browse 5 Granules
Groundswell Africa Spatial Population and Migration Projections at One-Eighth Degree According to SSPs and RCPs, 2010-2050 CIESIN_SEDAC_CLIMMIG_GASPMP18SR 1.00 Browse 44 Granules
Groundswell Spatial Population and Migration Projections at One-Eighth Degree According to SSPs and RCPs, 2010-2050 CIESIN_SEDAC_CLIMMIG_GSPMP18SR 1.00 Browse 224 Granules
HANPP Collection: Global Patterns in Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) CIESIN_SEDAC_HANPP 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
HANPP Collection: Global Patterns in Net Primary Productivity (NPP) CIESIN_SEDAC_HANPP_NPP 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
HANPP Collection: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) by Country and Product CIESIN_SEDAC_HANPP_CPROD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
HANPP Collection: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity as a Percentage of Net Primary Productivity CIESIN_SEDAC_HANPP_PERCENT 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
Historical Urban Population: 3700 BC - AD 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_HUP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
INFORM Global Risk Index 2019 Mid Year, v0.3.7 CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_GRI_MIDYR_0.3.7 0.3.7 Browse 1 Granule
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Observed Climate Change Impacts Database, Version 2.01 CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_OBSERVED_AR5 2.01 Browse 2 Granules
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Observed Climate Change Impacts Database CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_OBSERVED 1.00 Browse 3 Granules
IPCC IS92 Emissions Scenarios (A, B, C, D, E, F) Dataset Version 1.1 CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_IS92_V11 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
IPCC Socio-Economic Baseline Dataset CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_BASELINE 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) 1x1 Degree Gridded Emissions Dataset CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_SRES_1X1EM 1.00 Browse 4 Granules
IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) Emissions Scenarios Dataset Version 1.1 CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_SRES_EMSC_V11 1.01 Browse 1 Granule
IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) Fluor-Gases Emissions Dataset CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_SRES_FLGASES 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016 CIESIN_SEDAC_INDIA_AWCA 1.00 Browse 18 Granules
India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001 CIESIN_SEDAC_INDIA_VILSOCIOECON 1.00 Browse 52 Granules
Indicators of Coastal Water Quality: Ancillary Data CIESIN_SEDAC_ICWQ_ANC 1.00 Browse 3 Granules
Indicators of Coastal Water Quality: Annual Chlorophyll-a Concentration 1998-2007 CIESIN_SEDAC_ICWQ_ACHLOA 1.00 Browse 20 Granules
Indicators of Coastal Water Quality: Change in Chlorophyll-a Concentration 1998-2007 CIESIN_SEDAC_ICWQ_CCHLOA 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Global Human Footprint Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_HFP_GEOG 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Global Human Footprint Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_HFP_IGHP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Last of the Wild Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_LW_GEOG 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Last of the Wild Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_LW_IGHP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Top One Percent Wild Areas Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_TOPWA_GEOG 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 1, 2002 (LWP-1): Top One Percent Wild Areas Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP_TOPWA_IGHP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Footprint Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_HF_GEOG 2.00 Browse 7 Granules
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Footprint Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_HF_IGHP 2.00 Browse 2 Granules
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Influence Index (HII) Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_HII_GEOG 2.00 Browse 7 Granules
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Influence Index (HII) Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_HII_IGHP 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Last of the Wild Dataset (Geographic) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_LW_GEOG 2.00 Browse 7 Granules
Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Last of the Wild Dataset (IGHP) CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP2_LW_IGHP 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 3 (LWP-3): 1993 Human Footprint, 2018 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP3_HF_1993 2018.00 Browse 1 Granule
Last of the Wild Project, Version 3 (LWP-3): 2009 Human Footprint, 2018 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_LWP3_HF_2009 2018.00 Browse 1 Granule
Latin America and the Caribbean Population Time Series CIESIN_SEDAC_PD_LACPOP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Global Delta Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_LECZ_DELTA_V1 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population Estimates, Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_LECZ_URPEV1 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 2 CIESIN_SEDAC_LECZ_URPLAEV2 2.00 Browse 2 Granules
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 3 CIESIN_SEDAC_LECZ_URPLAEV3 3.00 Browse 2 Granules
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Biodiversity CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_BIODIVERSITY 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Climate and Land Cover CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_CLIMLC 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Ecosystems CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_ECOSYSTEMS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Population CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_POPULATION 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Rapid Land Cover Change CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_RLCC 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Scenarios CIESIN_SEDAC_MA_SCENARIOS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE) CIESIN_SEDAC_NAGDC_PLACE 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 2 (PLACE II) CIESIN_SEDAC_NAGDC_PLACEII 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III) CIESIN_SEDAC_NAGDC_PLACEIII 3.00 Browse 2 Granules
National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 4 (PLACE IV) CIESIN_SEDAC_NAGDC_PLACEIV 4.00 Browse 568 Granules
Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI), 2010 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_2010 2010.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI), 2011 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_2011 2011.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2012 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI12 2012.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2013 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI13 2013.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2014 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI14 2014.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2015 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI15 2015.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2016 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI16 2016.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2017 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI17 2017.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2018 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI18 2018.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2019 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI19 2019.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2020 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI20 2020.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2021 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI21 2021.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2022 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI22 2022.00 Browse 1 Granule
Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2023 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_NRMI_NRPCHI23 2023.00 Browse 1 Granule
Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2006 2006.00 Browse 14 Granules
Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Country-Level Aggregates CIESIN_SEDAC_ENERGY_NPPCLA 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Locations CIESIN_SEDAC_ENERGY_NPPL 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on World Food Supply: Datasets from a Major Crop Modeling Study CIESIN_SEDAC_CROPCLIM_GISS_DB 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Poverty Mapping Project: Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_IMR 1.00 Browse 6 Granules
Poverty Mapping Project: Global Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_GSPCM 1.00 Browse 3 Granules
Poverty Mapping Project: Poverty and Food Security Case Studies CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_PFSCS 1.00 Browse 16 Granules
Poverty Mapping Project: Small Area Estimates of Poverty and Inequality CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_SAEPI 1.00 Browse 44 Granules
Poverty Mapping Project: Unsatisfied Basic Needs CIESIN_SEDAC_PMP_UBN 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) CIESIN_SEDAC_ACRP_PUMS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
SDG Indicator 11.2.1: Urban Access to Public Transport, 2023 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SDGI_UAPT_2023 2023.00 Browse 3 Granules
SDG Indicator 11.7.1: Urban Public Space, Availability and Access, 2023 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SDGI_UPSAE_2023 2023.00 Browse 3 Granules
SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SDGI_ACCELEC_2023 2023.00 Browse 3 Granules
SDG Indicator 9.1.1: Rural Access Index (RAI), 2023 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_SDGI_RAI_2023 2023.00 Browse 3 Granules
Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance CIESIN_SEDAC_LECZ_SLRIRAMSARWII 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Literature Database, v1, 2014-2019 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSP_LITDB_V1 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Spatial Data from the 2011 India Census CIESIN_SEDAC_INDIA_CENSUS_2011 1.00 Browse 8 Granules
Sub-global Scenarios that Extend the Global SSP Narratives: Literature Database, Version 1, 2014-2021 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSP_GSNLITDB_V1 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Synthetic Assessment of Global Distribution of Vulnerability to Climate Change: Maps and Data, 2005, 2050, and 2100 CIESIN_SEDAC_IPCC_SAGDVCC 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_GFA_GRACE 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Twentieth Century Crop Statistics, 1900-2017 CIESIN_SEDAC_FOOD_CROPSTAT_1900-2017 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 1990 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_90SF1 1.00 Browse 2704 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 1990: Metropolitan Statistical Areas CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_90SF1MSA 1.00 Browse 2025 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_SF1 1.00 Browse 2756 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2000: Metropolitan Statistical Areas CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_SF1MSA 1.00 Browse 2600 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_SF12010 1.00 Browse 3285 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 1990 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_90SF3 1.00 Browse 1872 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 1990: Metropolitan Statistical Areas CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_90SF3MSA 1.00 Browse 1370 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_SF3 1.00 Browse 1908 Granules
U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: Metropolitan Statistical Areas CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_SF3MSA 1.00 Browse 1800 Granules
U.S. Climate Risk Projections by County, 2040-2049 CIESIN_SEDAC_CRV_USCRPC_2040-2049 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
U.S. EPA National Priorities List (NPL) Sites Point Data with CIESIN Modifications, Version 2 CIESIN_SEDAC_SSF_EPANPLSPDCMv2 2.00 Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1), 2000: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_ALLOMSTXSF1 alpha Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1), 2000: Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area, Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_HSF1 alpha Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1), 2000: New Orleans Metropolitan Statistical Area, Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_NOSF1 alpha Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_ALLOMSSF3 alpha Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: New Orleans Metropolitan Statistical Area, Alpha Version CIESIN_SEDAC_PEND_NOSF3 alpha Browse 1 Granule
U.S. Social Vulnerability Index Grids, Revision 01 CIESIN_SEDAC_USCG_USSVIG01 1.01 Browse 12 Granules
Urban Landsat: Cities from Space CIESIN_SEDAC_ULANDSAT_URBAN_LANDSAT 1.00 Browse 28 Granules
VIIRS Plus DMSP Change in Lights (VIIRS+DMSP dLIGHT) CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_VDL 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Water Security Indicator Model - Global Land Data Assimilation System (WSIM-GLDAS) Monthly Grids, Version 1 CIESIN_SEDAC_WATER_WSIM_GLDAS_V1 1.00 Browse 38 Granules
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Commercial Crop Production, 2000 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_CCPROD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Deforestation, 2000-2012 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_DEFOR200012 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Demographic and Health Survey Data Sets CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_DHS 1.00 Browse 2 Granules
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Economic Systems Index CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_ECONSI 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: GPW Version 4 Population Density, Preliminary Release 1, 2010 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_GPWv4PR_PD 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: GPW Version 4 Population Growth, Preliminary Release 1, 2000-2010 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_GPWv4PR_PG 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Gridded Subset of Sub-national Poverty and Extreme Poverty Prevalence CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_GSSPEPP 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000 Polygon CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_MFD2000_POL 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Point and Gridded Locations of Fatalities, 2008-2013 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_PGLF_200813 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Population Projections, 2030 and 2050 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_POPPROJ_203050 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Social Vulnerability Indices CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_SVI 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Subset of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights for Economic Activity, 2010 CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_SDMSPOLSNLEA_2010 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Subset of Global Mammal and Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_SMAMAMP_RICH 2015.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Subset of High and Low Resolution Altimeter Corrected Elevations 2 (ACE2) CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_SUBSETACE2 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Subset of JRC Map of Accessibility CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_JRCMA 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping: Subset of OpenStreetMap (OSM) Roads CIESIN_SEDAC_WACVM_OSM_ROADS 1.00 Browse 1 Granule
Yale Center for Earth Observation (YCEO) Surface Urban Heat Islands, Version 4, 2003-2018 CIESIN_SEDAC_SDEI_YCEOUHI_V4 4.00 Browse 7 Granules