Provider Holdings Directory


Landing Pages for NSIDCV0

Listed below are all of the EOSDIS holdings for the NSIDCV0 provider. Each is linked to the collection's landing page.

Collection Short Name Version Directory
AIDJEX Beaufort Sea Upward Looking Sonar April 1976, Version 1 G02191 1 No Granules
AMMR Air and Brightness Temperature Data, Wakasa Bay, Version 1 NSIDC-0194 1 No Granules
AMSR-E/Aqua Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0301 1 No Granules
AMSR-E/Aqua Daily Global Quarter-Degree Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0302 1 No Granules
AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivity, Version 1 NSIDC-0543 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Landsat-7 ETM+ Imagery, Version 1 NSIDC-0431 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 MODIS Imagery, Version 1 NSIDC-0432 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Photomosaics, Version 1 NSIDC-0430 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Sea Ice Thickness Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0426 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Snow Depth Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0424 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Snow Ice Temperature Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0428 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Snow Pit Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0429 1 No Granules
AMSRIce03 Surface Roughness Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0427 1 No Granules
AMSRIce06 Aerial Photographs, Version 1 NSIDC-0459 1 No Granules
AMSRIce06 Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) Lidar Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0461 1 No Granules
APR-2 Dual-frequency Airborne Radar Observations, Wakasa Bay, Version 1 NSIDC-0195 1 No Granules
ATLAS/ICESat-2 ATL03 Ancillary Masks, Version 1 ATL03_ANC_MASKS 1 No Granules
AVHRR Leads-ARI Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0026 1 No Granules
AWI Moored ULS Data, Greenland Sea and Fram Strait, 1991-2002, Version 1 G02139 1 No Granules
AWI Moored ULS Data, Weddell Sea (1990-1998), Version 1 G01359 1 No Granules
Active Layer Monitoring, Arctic and Subarctic Canada, Version 6 GGD353 6 No Granules
Active layer and permafrost properties, including snow depth, soil temperature, and soil moisture, Barrow, Alaska, Version 1 GGD222 1 No Granules
Active layer physical processes at Broeggerhalvoya, western Spitsbergen, Version 1 GGD239 1 No Granules
Active layer thickness and ground temperatures, Svea, Svalbard, Version 1 GGD249 1 No Granules
Active-Layer Depth of a Finnish Palsa Bog, Version 1 GGD622 1 No Granules
Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Greenland, Version 1 GGD23 1 No Granules
Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Soendre Stroemfjord, Greenland, Version 1 GGD632 1 No Granules
Air Temperatures at High Altitude, Kanchanjunga Himal, Eastern Nepal, Version 1 GGD611 1 No Granules
Airborne Cloud Radar (ACR) Reflectivity, Wakasa Bay, Japan, Version 1 NSIDC-0212 1 No Granules
Airborne Surface Profiling of Alaskan Glaciers, 1994 - 2001, Version 1 G01378 1 No Granules
Alaska Tidewater Glacier Terminus Positions, Version 1 NSIDC-0634 1 No Granules
Annual Thaw Depths and Water Depths in Tanana Flats, Alaska, Version 1 GGD623 1 No Granules
Annual Thaw Depths in Illisarvik, Northwest Territories, Version 1 GGD642 1 No Granules
Antarctic 1 km Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Combined ERS-1 Radar and ICESat Laser Satellite Altimetry, Version 1 NSIDC-0422 1 No Granules
Antarctic 5-km Digital Elevation Model from ERS-1 Altimetry, Version 1 NSIDC-0076 1 No Granules
Arctic EASE-Grid Freeze and Thaw Depths, 1901 - 2002, Version 1 GGD651 1 No Granules
Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) Second Pilot Study, March - May 1972: A Documentary Film, Version 1 G02183 1 No Granules
Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) Second Pilot Study, March - May 1972: Still Images, Version 1 G10042 1 No Granules
Arctic Landfast Sea Ice 1953-1998, Version 1 G02195 1 No Granules
Arctic Marine Transportation Program 1979-1986, Version 1 G02196 1 No Granules
Arctic Ocean Drift Tracks from Ships, Buoys, and Manned Research Stations, 1872-1973, Version 1 G01358 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea Ice Charts from Danish Meteorological Institute, 1893 - 1956, Version 1 G02203 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea Ice Concentration and Extent from Danish Meteorological Institute Sea Ice Charts, 1901-1956, Version 1 G10007 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness, Version 1 NSIDC-0393 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea Ice Melt Pond Statistics and Maps, 1999-2001, Version 1 G02159 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea Ice Seasonal Change and Melt/Freeze Climate Indicators from Satellite Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0747 1 No Granules
Arctic Sea State 2015 Field Campaign, Version 1 G10030 1 No Granules
Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw Status from SMMR and SSM/I, Version 2 GGD641 2 No Granules
Arctic Water Vapor Characteristics from Rawinsondes, Version 1 NSIDC-0033 1 No Granules
Arctic and Antarctic Regional Masks for Sea Ice and Related Data Products, Version 1 NSIDC-0780 1 No Granules
Arctic and Southern Ocean Sea Ice Concentrations, Version 1 G00799 1 No Granules
Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic (Arctic CBM), Version 1 ELOKA033 1 No Granules
Automated Greenland Glacier Termini Position Time Series, Version 1 NSIDC-0788 1 No Granules
Baffin Bay Region Narwhal Research, Version 1 ELOKA001 1 No Granules
Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Ground-Based Radar Polar Volume Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0209 1 No Granules
Barnes Ice Cap South Dome Trilateration Net Survey Data 1970-1984, Version 1 G02178 1 No Granules
Borehole and environmental protection descriptive and numerical data, Yamal Peninsula, Russia, Version 1 GGD402 1 No Granules
Borehole locations and permafrost depths, Alaska, USA, Version 1 GGD223 1 No Granules
Borehole permafrost data, Kumtor and Taragai Valleys, Tienshan, Kazakhstan, Version 1 GGD499 1 No Granules
Borehole temperatures from mountain permafrost monitoring, Mongolia, Version 1 GGD332 1 No Granules
Borehole temperatures in deep wells of Western Siberia, Russia, 1960-1995, Version 1 GGD200 1 No Granules
Boreholes and temperature logs from the Tibetan Plateau and Northeast China, Version 1 GGD700 1 No Granules
CLPX Airborne Gamma Snow and Soil Moisture Surveys, Version 1 NSIDC-0158 1 No Granules
CLPX Airborne: Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0154 1 No Granules
CLPX NCAR Data Analysis and Numerical Modeling, Version 1 NSIDC-0291 1 No Granules
CLPX NOAA FSL Rapid Update Cycle 20 km (RUC-20) Dataset, Version 1 NSIDC-0180 1 No Granules
CLPX-Airborne: Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) Imagery, Version 1 NSIDC-0153 1 No Granules
CLPX-Airborne: Infrared Orthophotography and Lidar Topographic Mapping, Version 1 NSIDC-0157 1 No Granules
CLPX-Airborne: Multiband Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Imagery, Version 1 NSIDC-0155 1 No Granules
CLPX-Airborne: Polarimetric Ku-Band Scatterometer (POLSCAT) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0159 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Ground Based Passive Microwave Radiometer (GBMR-7) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0165 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Ground-Based Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar, Version 1 NSIDC-0164 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Ground-Based Infrared Images of the LSOS Site, Version 1 NSIDC-0161 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Ground-based L and Ku band polarimetric scatterometry, Version 1 NSIDC-0166 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: ISA Corner Site Meteorological Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0173 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: ISA Main Meteorological Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0172 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: ISA Snow Depth Transects and Related Measurements, Version 2 NSIDC-0175 2 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: ISA Snow Pit Measurements, Version 2 NSIDC-0176 2 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: ISA Soil Moisture Measurements, Version 1 NSIDC-0178 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Micrometeorological Data at the Local Scale Observation Site (LSOS), Version 1 NSIDC-0168 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Snow Measurements at the Local Scale Observation Site (LSOS), Version 1 NSIDC-0169 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: Sub-Canopy Energetics at the Local Scale Observation Site (LSOS), Version 1 NSIDC-0170 1 No Granules
CLPX-Ground: University of Michigan Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer, Version 1 NSIDC-0167 1 No Granules
CLPX-Model: Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0181 1 No Granules
CLPX-Model: Local Analysis and Prediction System: 4-D Atmospheric Analyses, Version 1 NSIDC-0179 1 No Granules
CLPX-Model: Rapid Update Cycle 40km (RUC-40) Model Output Reduced Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0211 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: AMSR-E Brightness Temperature Grids, Version 1 NSIDC-0145 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: AVHRR/HRPT Brightness Temperatures and Reflectances, Version 1 NSIDC-0152 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: EO-1 Hyperion Surface Reflectance, Snow-Covered Area, and Grain Size, Version 1 NSIDC-0148 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery, Version 1 NSIDC-0149 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: MODIS Radiances, Reflectances, Snow Cover and Related Grids, Version 1 NSIDC-0151 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) Products, Version 1 NSIDC-0150 1 No Granules
CLPX-Satellite: SSM/I Brightness Temperature Grids, Version 1 NSIDC-0144 1 No Granules
CanSISE Observation-Based Ensemble of Northern Hemisphere Terrestrial Snow Water Equivalent, Version 2 NSIDC-0668 2 No Granules
Canadian Geothermal Data Collection: Deep permafrost temperatures and thickness of permafrost, Version 1 GGD503 1 No Granules
Canadian Ice Service Arctic Regional Sea Ice Charts in SIGRID-3 Format, Version 1 G02171 1 No Granules
Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) Daily Snow Depth Analysis Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0447 1 No Granules
Catalog of boreholes from Russia and Mongolia, Version 1 GGD316 1 No Granules
Central Asia Temperature and Precipitation Data, 1879-2003, Version 1 G02174 1 No Granules
Central Asian Snow Cover from Hydrometeorological Surveys, Version 1 G01171 1 No Granules
Cillaput: Our Weather, Yukon-Kuskowim Delta Weather Station Network, Version 1 ELOKA037 1 No Granules
Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground-Ice Conditions, Version 2 GGD318 2 No Granules
ClimoBase: Rouse Canadian Surface Observations of Weather, Climate, and Hydrological Variables, 1984-1998, Version 1 G10008 1 No Granules
Co-Registered AMSR-E, QuikSCAT, and WMO Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0450 1 No Granules
Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) LMRF Arctic Subset, 1950 - 1995, Version 1 NSIDC-0057 1 No Granules
Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS) Melt Model Output, 2001 - 2014, Version 1 G10027 1 No Granules
Coordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment (CEAREX) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0020 1 No Granules
CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Snow Depth Quick Look, Version 1 NSIDC-0707 1 No Granules
Cryosolic pedons from Northern Canada, Version 1 GGD311 1 No Granules
Cryosolic pedons from Russia and Alaska, Version 1 GGD272 1 No Granules
DISP Yearly Satellite Photographic Mosaics of Greenland 1962-1963, Version 1 NSIDC-0118 1 No Granules
Daily 4 km Gridded SWE and Snow Depth from Assimilated In-Situ and Modeled Data over the Conterminous US, Version 1 NSIDC-0719 1 No Granules
Daily Arctic Ocean Rawinsonde Data from Soviet Drifting Ice Stations, Version 1 NSIDC-0060 1 No Granules
Daily Global Land Parameters Derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2, Version 3 NSIDC-0451 3 No Granules
Daily Great Lakes Ice Concentration, 1973 Onward, Version 1 G10029 1 No Granules
Daily Gridded North American Snow, Temperature, and Precipitation, 1959-2009, Version 1 G10021 1 No Granules
Daily Lake Ice Phenology Time Series Derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2, Version 1 NSIDC-0726 1 No Granules
Daily Precipitation Sums at Coastal and Island Russian Arctic Stations, 1940-1990, Version 1 G02164 1 No Granules
Daily Snow Depth and SWE from GPS Signal-to-Noise Ratios, Version 1 NSIDC-0722 1 No Granules
Daily Soil Temperature and Meteorological Data for Sites at Toolik Lake Alaska, Version 1 GGD906 1 No Granules
Digital SAR Mosaic and Elevation Map of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Version 1 NSIDC-0052 1 No Granules
Double Rain Gauge Network, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0210 1 No Granules
Dust Count Observations March 1933 - August 1933 in College-Fairbanks, AK, Version 1 G02199 1 No Granules
EASE Grids Ancillary Grid Information, Version 1 NSIDC-0772 1 No Granules
EASE-Grid 2.0 Land Cover Classifications Derived from Boston University MODIS/Terra Land Cover Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0610 1 No Granules
EASE-Grid 2.0 Land-Ocean-Coastline-Ice Masks Derived from Boston University MODIS/Terra Land Cover Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0609 1 No Granules
EASE-Grid Land Cover Classifications Derived from Boston University MODIS/Terra Land Cover Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0608 1 No Granules
EASE-Grid Land-Ocean-Coastline-Ice Masks Derived from Boston University MODIS/Terra Land Cover Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0607 1 No Granules
EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age, Version 4 NSIDC-0611 4 No Granules
Elevation Change of the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet from 1978-88, Version 1 NSIDC-0223 1 No Granules
Environmental Working Group Arctic Meteorology and Climate Atlas, Version 1 G01938 1 No Granules
Environmental Working Group Joint U.S.-Russian Arctic Sea Ice Atlas, Version 1 G01962 1 No Granules
Environmental Working Group Joint U.S.-Russian Atlas of the Arctic Ocean, Version 1 G01961 1 No Granules
Estonian Mean Snow Depth and Duration (1891-1994), Version 1 G01174 1 No Granules
Evenki Atlas, Version 1 ELOKA039 1 No Granules
Extreme Ice Survey Glacier Image Archive, 2007-2022, Version 1 NSIDC-0783 1 No Granules
Former Soviet Union Hydrological Snow Surveys, 1966-1996, Version 1 G01170 1 No Granules
GEOSAT Radar Altimeter DEM Atlas of Antarctica North of 72.1 degrees South, Version 1 NSIDC-0075 1 No Granules
GLAS/ICESat 1 km Laser Altimetry Digital Elevation Model of Greenland, Version 1 NSIDC-0305 1 No Granules
GLAS/ICESat 500 m Laser Altimetry Digital Elevation Model of Antarctica, Version 1 NSIDC-0304 1 No Granules
GLERL Great Lakes Air Temperature/Degree Day Climatology, 1897-1983, Version 1 G00801 1 No Granules
GLERL Great Lakes Ice Concentration Data Base, 1960-1979, Version 1 G00804 1 No Granules
GLERL Great Lakes Ice Thickness Data Base, 1966-1979, Version 1 G00803 1 No Granules
GLERL Radiation Transfer Through Freshwater Ice, Version 1 G00802 1 No Granules
GLIMS Glacier Database, Version 1 NSIDC-0272 1 No Granules
Geocryology and Geocryological Zonation of Mongolia, Version 1 GGD648 1 No Granules
Glacier Covered Area for the State of Alaska, 1985-2020, Version 1 G10040 1 No Granules
Glacier Inventory of West Greenland, 1948 - 1985, Version 1 G01375 1 No Granules
Glacier Mass Balance and Regime Measurements and Analysis, 1945-2003, Version 1 G10002 1 No Granules
Glacier Photograph Collection, Version 1 G00472 1 No Granules
Global Annual Freezing and Thawing Indices, Version 1 NSIDC-0063 1 No Granules
Global EASE-Grid 8-day Blended SSM/I and MODIS Snow Cover, Version 1 NSIDC-0321 1 No Granules
Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database, Version 1 G01377 1 No Granules
Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8 (GoLIVE), Version 1 NSIDC-0710 1 No Granules
Global Monthly EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent Climatology, Version 1 NSIDC-0271 1 No Granules
Global Seasonal-Snow Classification, Version 1 NSIDC-0768 1 No Granules
Good Days on the Trail, 1938-1942: Film Footage of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, Version 1 G02175 1 No Granules
Great Lakes Daily Ice Observations at NOAA Water Level Gauge Sites, 1956 - 1997, Version 1 G00945 1 No Granules
Great Lakes Ice Charts, Version 1 G00486 1 No Granules
Great Lakes Surface Ice Reports from U.S. Coast Guard, 1961 - 2004, Version 1 G00805 1 No Granules
Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids, Version 1 NSIDC-0092 1 No Granules
Greenland Annual Accumulation along the EGIG Line, 1959–2004, from Airborne Radar and Neutron Probe Densities, Version 1 NSIDC-0644 1 No Granules
Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) Radiation for Arctic System Reanalysis, Version 1 NSIDC-0437 1 No Granules
Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Characteristics Derived from Passive Microwave Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0218 1 No Granules
Greenland Snow Pit and Core Stratigraphy (Analog and Digital Formats), Version 1 G10004 1 No Granules
Gridded Monthly Sea Ice Extent and Concentration, 1850 Onward, Version 2 G10010 2 No Granules
Gridded Observational Sea Ice Thickness Products, Version 1 NSIDC-0690 1 No Granules
Ground Temperatures from Deep Boreholes in the Ob River Valley, Russia (VK-1615 and ZS-124/124a), Version 1 GGD646 1 No Granules
Ground temperatures in ice-cemented ground at Linnaeus Terrace, Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Version 1 GGD6 1 No Granules
Ground temperatures, Liefdefjord, northwest Svalbard, Version 1 GGD416 1 No Granules
HDF4 Data Used to Assess Long-Term Access to Remote Sensing Data with Layout Maps, Version 1 NSIDC-0397 1 No Granules
High-Resolution QuickBird Imagery and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA, Version 1 ARCSS304 1 No Granules
High-Resolution Radar Imagery, Digital Elevation Models, and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA, Version 1 ARCSS302 1 No Granules
High-Resolution Rectified Aerial Photography for Collaborative Research of Environmental Change at Barrow, Alaska, USA, Version 1 ARCSS306 1 No Granules
Historical Arctic Rawinsonde Archive, 1947 - 1996, Version 1 NSIDC-0008 1 No Granules
Historical Arctic and Antarctic Surface Observational Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0190 1 No Granules
Historical Soviet Daily Snow Depth (HSDSD), 1881 - 1995, Version 2 G01092 2 No Granules
Hydrologic Outlets of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Version 1 NSIDC-0372 1 No Granules
Hydrologic Sub-basins of Greenland, Version 1 NSIDC-0371 1 No Granules
IMS Daily Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Analysis at 1 km, 4 km, and 24 km Resolutions, Version 1 G02156 1 No Granules
IPA-IPY Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP) Snapshot Borehole Inventory, Version 1 G02190 1 No Granules
IPAB Antarctic Drifting Buoy Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0084 1 No Granules
Ice Draft and Ice Velocity Data in the Beaufort Sea, 1990-2003, Version 1 G02177 1 No Granules
IceBridge Accumulation Radar L1B Geolocated Radar Echo Strength Profiles, Version 1 IRACC1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge BGM-3 Gravimeter L0 Raw Accelerations, Version 1 IGBGM0 1 No Granules
IceBridge DMS L0 Raw Imagery, Version 1 IODMS0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Flux Gate Magnetometer L0 Raw Magnetic Field, Version 1 IMFGM0 1 No Granules
IceBridge GPS L0 Raw Satellite Navigation Data, Version 1 IPUTG0 1 No Granules
IceBridge GPS L1B Time-Tagged Real-Time Position and Attitude Solution, Version 1 IPUTN1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge GPS/IMU L1B Primary Position and Attitude Solution, Version 1 IPUTG1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge Geometrics 823A Cesium Magnetometer L0 Raw Magnetic Field, Version 1 IMGEO0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Geometrics 823A Cesium Magnetometer L1B Time-Tagged Magnetic Field, Version 1 IMGEO1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge Geometrics 823A Cesium Magnetometer L2 Geolocated Magnetic Anomalies, Version 1 IMGEO2 1 No Granules
IceBridge HiCARS 1 L0 Raw Return Energy Amplitudes, Version 1 IR1HI0 1 No Granules
IceBridge HiCARS 2 L0 Raw Return Energy Amplitudes, Version 1 IR2HI0 1 No Granules
IceBridge IMU L0 Raw Inertial Measurement Unit Data, Version 1 IPUTI0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Ku-Band Radar L1B Geolocated Radar Echo Strength Profiles, Version 1 IRKUB1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge L0 Raw Kinematics GPS Time Codes, Version 1 ITKTC0 1 No Granules
IceBridge LVIS POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data, Version 1 IPPLV1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge MCoRDS L1B Geolocated Radar Echo Strength Profiles, Version 1 IRMCR1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge Mission Flight Reports, Version 1 IFLTRPT 1 No Granules
IceBridge NSERC L1B Geolocated Meteorologic and Surface Temperature Data, Version 1 IAMET1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data, Version 1 IPAPP1B 1 No Granules
IceBridge Paroscientific L0 Pressure Altimeter Raw Air Pressure, Version 1 IAPRS0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Riegl Laser Altimeter L0 Raw Ranges, Version 1 ILUTP0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Sander AIRGrav L3 Bathymetry, Version 1 IGBTH3 1 No Granules
IceBridge Scintrex CS-3 Cesium Magnetometer L0 Raw Magnetic Field, Version 1 IMCS30 1 No Granules
IceBridge Scintrex CS-3 Cesium Magnetometer L1B Geolocated Magnetic Anomalies, Version 1 IMCS31B 1 No Granules
IceBridge Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Thickness Quick Look, Version 1 NSIDC-0708 1 No Granules
IceBridge Sigma Space Lidar L0 Raw Time-of-Flight Data, Version 1 ILSIG0 1 No Granules
IceBridge Sigma Space Prototype L0 Raw Time-of-Flight Data, Version 1 ILSSP0 1 No Granules
IceBridge UAF GPS/IMU L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data, Version 1 IPUAF1B 1 No Granules
Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves, Version 2 NSIDC-0102 2 No Granules
Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network (IFKN), Version 1 ELOKA044 1 No Granules
International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958: Drifting Station Alpha Documentary Film, Version 1 G02184 1 No Granules
International Ice Patrol (IIP) Iceberg Sightings Database, Version 1 G00807 1 No Granules
International Ice Patrol Annual Count of Icebergs South of 48 Degrees North, 1900 to Present, Version 1 G10028 1 No Granules
International Ice Patrol Iceberg Drift Tracks, Version 1 G00874 1 No Granules
International Polar Year Historical Data and Literature, Version 1 G02201 1 No Granules
Inventory of Arctic Rain on Snow Events: Meteorological and Surface Conditions, Version 1 NSIDC-0767 1 No Granules
Inventory of Rock Glaciers along the Ghunsa Valley, Kanchanjunga Himal, Eastern Nepal, Version 1 GGD610 1 No Granules
Lagrangian Snow Distributions for Sea-Ice Applications, Version 1 NSIDC-0758 1 No Granules
Lake Untersee, Antarctica Climate Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0665 1 No Granules
Land Resources of Russia -- Maps of Permafrost and Ground Ice, Version 1 GGD600 1 No Granules
Land Resources of Russia -- Maps of Soil Characteristics, Version 1 GGD601 1 No Granules
Landsat 8 Ice Speed of Antarctica (LISA), Version 1 NSIDC-0733 1 No Granules
Landscape Map of the Russian Arctic Coastal Zone, Version 1 GGD613 1 No Granules
Largest Glaciers and Glacier Complexes in the World, Version 1 G10037 1 No Granules
Local Observations from the Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) and Alaska Arctic Observatory and Knowledge Hub (AAOKH), Version 2 ELOKA031 2 No Granules
MASAM2: Daily 4 km Arctic Sea Ice Concentration, Version 1 G10005 1 No Granules
MASAM2: Daily 4 km Arctic Sea Ice Concentration, Version 2 G10005 2 No Granules
MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Sheet Mosaics from SAR Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0633 1 No Granules
MEaSUREs MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica 2013-2014 (MOA2014) Image Map, Version 1 NSIDC-0730 1 No Granules
MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere Polar EASE-Grid 2.0 Daily 6 km Land Freeze/Thaw Status from AMSR-E and AMSR2, Version 1 NSIDC-0728 1 No Granules
MEaSUREs Polar EASE-Grid 2.0 Daily 6 km Land Freeze/Thaw Status from AMSR-E and AMSR2, Version 2 NSIDC-0728 2 No Granules
MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica 2003-2004 (MOA2004) Image Map, Version 2 NSIDC-0280 2 No Granules
MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica 2008-2009 (MOA2009) Image Map, Version 2 NSIDC-0593 2 No Granules
Map of Natural (Landscape) and Permafrost Zones and the Net of Soil Temperature Meteorological Stations in Russia and Middle Asian Mountains, Version 1 GGD618 1 No Granules
Maps of Geocryological Regions and Classifications in China, Version 1 GGD603 1 No Granules
March through August Ice Edge Positions in the Nordic Seas, 1750-2002, Version 1 G02169 1 No Granules
Marginal Ice Zone 2014 Field Campaign, Version 1 G10031 1 No Granules
Meltpond2000 Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer Sea Ice Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0208 1 No Granules
Meteorological Data from the Russian Arctic, 1961-2000, Version 1 G02141 1 No Granules
Meteorology and soil temperatures, Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, NWT, Canada, Version 1 GGD220 1 No Granules
Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer Brightness Temperatures, Wakasa Bay, Japan, Version 1 NSIDC-0193 1 No Granules
Modeled Active-Layer Depth in Russia, Version 1 GGD606 1 No Granules
Modeled Daily Thaw Depth and Frozen Ground Depth, Version 1 GGD619 1 No Granules
Monthly Mean Precipitation Sums at Russian Arctic Stations, 1966-1990, Version 1 G02170 1 No Granules
Monthly Summaries of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture at Oil Contamination Sites in Antarctica, Version 1 GGD626 1 No Granules
Monthly Summaries of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture at Sites in Alaska, Version 1 GGD624 1 No Granules
Monthly Summaries of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture in China, Version 1 GGD625 1 No Granules
Monthly Summaries of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture in Mongolia, Version 1 GGD627 1 No Granules
Morphometric Characteristics of Ice and Snow in the Arctic Basin: Aircraft Landing Observations from the Former Soviet Union, 1928-1989, Version 1 G02140 1 No Granules
Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent - Northern Hemisphere (MASIE-NH), Version 1 G02186 1 No Granules
NASA SCP Arctic and Antarctic Ice Extent from QuikSCAT, 1999-2009, Version 2 NSIDC-0265 2 No Granules
NCEP/NCAR Arctic Marine Rawinsonde Archive, Version 1 NSIDC-0054 1 No Granules
NOAA Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) Global Visible and Infrared Band Data from ESSA (1966 - 1972) and NOAA (1972 - 1978) Satellites, Version 1 G10022 1 No Granules
NOAA/NMC/CAC Arctic and Antarctic Monthly Sea Ice Extent, 1973-1990, Version 1 G00917 1 No Granules
NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration, Version 4 G02202 4 No Granules
Near Real-Time MODIS/Terra L3 Global Daily 500m SIN Grid Snow Cover, Grain Size, and Dust Radiative Forcing, Version 1 MODSCGDRF_NRT 1 No Granules
Near-Real-Time NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration, Version 2 G10016 2 No Granules
Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates, Version 2 NSIDC-0064 2 No Granules
Nimbus-5 ESMR Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations, Version 1 NSIDC-0009 1 No Granules
Nimbus-7 SMMR Antenna Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0037 1 No Granules
Nimbus-7 SMMR Pathfinder Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0036 1 No Granules
Nimbus-7 SMMR Polar Gridded Radiances and Sea Ice Concentrations, Version 1 NSIDC-0007 1 No Granules
Northern Circumpolar Soils Map, Version 1 GGD602 1 No Granules
Northern Hemisphere Cyclone Locations and Characteristics from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0423 1 No Granules
Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid 2.0 Weekly Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent, Version 4 NSIDC-0046 4 No Granules
Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid Annual Freezing and Thawing Indices, 1901 - 2002, Version 1 GGD649 1 No Granules
Northern Hemisphere Seasonal and Intermittent Frozen Ground Areas 1901-2001, Version 1 GGD650 1 No Granules
Norwegian North Polar Expedition 1893-1896: Oceanographic Data, Version 1 G02120 1 No Granules
Nunaput: Our Land, Community Atlas for Chevak, Alaska, Version 1 ELOKA040 1 No Granules
On-Ice Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Measurements by Auger, Core, and Electromagnetic Induction, from the Late 1800s Onward, Version 2 G10011 2 No Granules
PISUNA-net Local Observations Database, Version 1 ELOKA038 1 No Granules
PSR/A Multiband Polarimetric Imaging, Wakasa Bay, Japan, Version 1 NSIDC-0267 1 No Granules
Paleo-periglacial phenomena in Northwestern Europe, Version 1 GGD248 1 No Granules
Permafrost Map for Northwestern Canada (Mackenzie Region), Version 1 GGD630 1 No Granules
Permafrost Map of Alaska, USA, Version 1 GGD320 1 No Granules
Permafrost Temperature Data from a Deep Borehole Array on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, 1973 - 2014, Version 1 G10015 1 No Granules
Permafrost monitoring and prediction in Southern Carpathians, Romania, Version 1 GGD30 1 No Granules
Permafrost of the Usa River Basin, Version 1 GGD614 1 No Granules
Permafrost, palsas and frost-crack polygons, Salluit, Quebec, Canada, Version 1 GGD418 1 No Granules
Permafrost-related micrometeorology and soil temperatures, Qingzang Plateau, China, Version 1 GGD486 1 No Granules
Plants at The End of the World: Beringian Ethnobotany, Version 1 ELOKA050 1 No Granules
Polar Pathfinder Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Sea Ice Motion Vectors, Version 4 NSIDC-0116 4 No Granules
Polar Stereographic Ancillary Grid Information, Version 1 NSIDC-0771 1 No Granules
Polar Stereographic Valid Ice Masks Derived from National Ice Center Monthly Sea Ice Climatologies, Version 1 NSIDC-0622 1 No Granules
Pre-IceBridge MCoRDS L1B Geolocated Radar Echo Strength Profiles, Version 1 BRMCR1B 1 No Granules
Project Birdseye Aerial Photograph Collection, 1970 - 1984, Version 1 G02188 1 No Granules
Quicklook Arctic Weekly EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age, Version 1 NSIDC-0749 1 No Granules
Quicklook Arctic Weekly EASE-Grid Sea Ice Motion Vectors, Version 1 NSIDC-0748 1 No Granules
RAMP AMM-1 SAR Image Mosaic of Antarctica, Version 2 NSIDC-0103 2 No Granules
Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project Digital Elevation Model, Version 2 NSIDC-0082 2 No Granules
Rand Corporation Mean Monthly Global Snow Depth, Version 1 G00788 1 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 1 NSIDC-0770 1 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 2 NSIDC-0770 2 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 3 NSIDC-0770 3 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 4 NSIDC-0770 4 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 5 NSIDC-0770 5 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 6 NSIDC-0770 6 No Granules
Randolph Glacier Inventory - A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines, Version 7 NSIDC-0770 7 No Granules
Reconstructed North American Snow Extent, 1900-1993, Version 1 G02130 1 No Granules
Reconstructed North American, Eurasian, and Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent, 1915-1997, Version 1 G02131 1 No Granules
Recurring Spring Leads and Landfast Ice in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1993-2004, Version 1 G02173 1 No Granules
Reduced-Resolution QuickBird Imagery and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA, Version 1 ARCSS305 1 No Granules
Reduced-Resolution Radar Imagery, Digital Elevation Models, and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA, Version 1 ARCSS303 1 No Granules
Rock Temperatures, Sermilik, SE Greenland, Version 1 GGD276 1 No Granules
Rock glacier Macun 1, Lower Engadin, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD274 1 No Granules
Rock glacier inventory, Hautes Alpes Calcaires, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD289 1 No Granules
Rock glacier inventory, Printse Valley, Valais, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD291 1 No Granules
Rock glacier velocities, Selwyn Mountains, Yukon and NWT, Canada, Version 1 GGD309 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers Gruben, Muragl and Murtel, Switzerland: Area-wide flow fields, Version 1 GGD293 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers from Norway and Svalbard, Version 1 GGD284 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers in the Pyrenees, Spain and France, Version 1 GGD285 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers on South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, Version 1 GGD279 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Austria, Version 1 GGD310 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Bernese Alps, western Switzerland, Version 1 GGD286 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Central Andes, Argentina, Version 1 GGD280 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Disko Island, Greenland, Version 1 GGD283 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Entremont, Valais, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD290 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Fletschhorn Area, Valais, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD287 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Lombardy, Italy, Version 1 GGD22 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Prealps, Vaud, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD292 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Upper Engadin, Switzerland, Version 1 GGD288 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Western Andes, Chile, Version 1 GGD282 1 No Granules
Rock glaciers, Zailiysiky Range, Kungei Ranges, Tienshan, Kazakhstan, Version 1 GGD501 1 No Granules
Rock-Ice Feature Inventory for the Sierra Nevada, California, USA, Version 1 GGD652 1 No Granules
Russian River Ice Thickness and Duration, 1917 - 1992, Version 1 G01187 1 No Granules
Rutgers Northern Hemisphere 24 km Weekly Snow Cover Extent, September 1980 Onward, Version 1 G10035 1 No Granules
SCICEX: Submarine Arctic Science Program, Version 1 G02187 1 No Granules
SHEBA Reconnaissance Imagery, Version 1 G02180 1 No Granules
SMEX02 AMSR-E Level 3 Daily Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0196 1 No Granules
SMEX02 ASTER Level 1B Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0197 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0206 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0205 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Balloon-borne Radiosonde Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0231 1 No Granules
SMEX02 European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-2) AMI Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0198 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Iowa Regional Ground Soil Moisture Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0182 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Iowa Satellite Vegetation and Water Index (NDVI and NDWI) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0184 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Land Surface Information: Geolocation, Surface Roughness, and Photographs, Version 1 NSIDC-0204 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Land Surface Information: Land Use Classification, Version 1 NSIDC-0276 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Land Surface Information: Soils Database, Version 1 NSIDC-0278 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Landsat 5 and 7 Thematic Mapper Land Surface Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 NSIDC-0241 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0199 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Passive and Active L and S band System (PALS) Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0183 1 No Granules
SMEX02 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0233 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Rain Gauge Network, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0236 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Regional Vegetation Sampling Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0188 1 No Granules
SMEX02 SMACEX Tower Meteorological/Flux Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0438 1 No Granules
SMEX02 SSM/I Brightness Temperature Data, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0200 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Sliced Core Soil Moisture Data, Walnut Creek Watershed, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0203 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) Station 2031, Ames, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0142 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Soil Moisture Atmosphere Coupling Experiment (SMACEX), Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0232 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Soil Moisture and Temperature Profiles, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0185 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Tower-Based Radiometric Surface Temperature, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0186 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Vegetation Water Content, Iowa Regional and Walnut Creek Watershed, Version 1 NSIDC-0189 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Watershed Soil Moisture Data, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0143 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Watershed Vegetation Sampling Data, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0187 1 No Granules
SMEX02 Watershed Vitel Network Soil Moisture Data, Walnut Creek, Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0277 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ALMNet and SCAN Soil Moisture Data: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0379 1 No Granules
SMEX03 AMSR-E Daily Gridded Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperatures, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0373 1 No Granules
SMEX03 AMSR-E Daily Gridded Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperatures, Brazil, Version 1 NSIDC-0555 1 No Granules
SMEX03 AMSR-E Daily Gridded Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperatures, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0553 1 No Granules
SMEX03 AMSR-E Daily Gridded Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperatures, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0554 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ASTER Level-1B Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0325 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0370 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0328 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0560 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0561 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Ancillary Soil Characteristics Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0339 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Ancillary Soil Characteristics Data, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0572 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Ancillary Soil Characteristics Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0573 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ENVISAT ASAR Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0357 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ENVISAT ASAR Data, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0576 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ENVISAT ASAR Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0577 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Geolocation Information: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0367 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Geolocation Information: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0366 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Land Use Classification Data: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0364 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Land Use Classification Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0365 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0331 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0327 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0322 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Landsat Thematic Mapper NDVI and NDWI: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0330 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Landsat Thematic Mapper NDVI and NDWI: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0332 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Little River Micronet Soil Moisture Data: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0329 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Little Washita Micronet Soil Moisture Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0320 1 No Granules
SMEX03 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0333 1 No Granules
SMEX03 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data, Brazil, Version 1 NSIDC-0580 1 No Granules
SMEX03 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0579 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Rain Gauge Data: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0374 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Regional Ground Soil Moisture Data: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0287 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Regional Ground Soil Moisture Data: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0288 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Regional Ground Soil Moisture Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0289 1 No Granules
SMEX03 SSM/I Brightness Temperature Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0338 1 No Granules
SMEX03 SSM/I Brightness Temperature Data, Brazil, Version 1 NSIDC-0564 1 No Granules
SMEX03 SSM/I Brightness Temperature Data, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0562 1 No Granules
SMEX03 SSM/I Brightness Temperature Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0563 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Site Photographs, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0344 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Site Photographs, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0574 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Site Photographs, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0575 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN): Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0293 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN): Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0294 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN): Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0295 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Soil Moisture, Meteorological, and Vegetation Data: Brazil, Version 1 NSIDC-0378 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Soil Texture Data: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0368 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Surface Roughness Data, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0345 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Surface Roughness Data, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0569 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Surface Roughness Data, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0570 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Surface and Soil Temperature Measurements: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0319 1 No Granules
SMEX03 ThetaProbe Soil Moisture Data: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0306 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (2D-STAR) Brightness Temperatures, Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0433 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (2D-STAR) Brightness Temperatures, Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0551 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (2D-STAR) Brightness Temperatures, Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0552 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Vegetation Data: Alabama, Version 1 NSIDC-0348 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Vegetation Data: Georgia, Version 1 NSIDC-0298 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Vegetation Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0297 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Vegetation Water Content: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0369 1 No Granules
SMEX03 Watershed Ground Soil Moisture Data: Oklahoma, Version 1 NSIDC-0296 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0405 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0406 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Aircraft Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0557 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Bulk Density and Rock Fraction Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0381 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Bulk Density and Rock Fraction Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0382 1 No Granules
SMEX04 ENVISAT ASAR Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0417 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Land Use Classification Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0409 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Land Use Classification Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0578 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Landsat TM/ETM+ NDVI and NDWI, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0387 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Landsat TM/ETM+ NDVI and NDWI, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0571 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0341 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0565 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Leaf Area Index Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0390 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Meteorological Network Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0401 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Multispectral Radiometer Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0389 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Precipitation Network Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0404 1 No Granules
SMEX04 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0340 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Regional Soil Moisture Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0384 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Regional Soil Moisture Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0395 1 No Granules
SMEX04 San Miguel Watershed Soil Moisture Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0386 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Site Photographs, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0408 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Site Photographs, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0567 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Soil Characteristics Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0415 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Soil Characteristics Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0439 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0385 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Soil Moisture Network Data: Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0411 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Surface Roughness Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0416 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Surface Roughness Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0558 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Surface Temperature Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0400 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Terra MODIS Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0388 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Terra MODIS Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0566 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (2D-STAR) Brightness Temperatures, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0434 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Two-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (2D-STAR) Brightness Temperatures, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0568 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Vegetation Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0419 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Vegetation Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0559 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Vegetation Water Content Data, Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0391 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Vegetation Water Content Data, Sonora, Version 1 NSIDC-0556 1 No Granules
SMEX04 Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Soil Moisture Data: Arizona, Version 1 NSIDC-0383 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Land Use Classification Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0446 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Meteorological Network Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0455 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Multispectral Radiometer Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0453 1 No Granules
SMEX05 QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Backscatter Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0448 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Site Photographs: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0449 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Soil Moisture Network Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0454 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Surface Roughness Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0443 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Vegetation Water Content Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0444 1 No Granules
SMEX05 Watershed Soil Moisture Data: Iowa, Version 1 NSIDC-0442 1 No Granules
SUMER Antarctic Ice-shelf Buttressing, Version 1 NSIDC-0664 1 No Granules
Satellite Observations of Arctic Change, Version 1 NSIDC-0589 1 No Granules
Schefferville Permafrost Temperature Database, Version 1 GGD605 1 No Granules
Sea Ice Charts of the Russian Arctic in Gridded Format, 1933-2006, Version 1 G02176 1 No Granules
Sea Ice Edge Location and Extent in the Russian Arctic, 1933-2006, Version 1 G02182 1 No Granules
Sea Ice Index, Version 3 G02135 3 No Granules
Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA), Version 1 G10014 1 No Granules
Sea Ice Melt Pond Data from the Canadian Arctic, Version 1 G01169 1 No Granules
Sea Ice Trends and Climatologies from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS, Version 3 NSIDC-0192 3 No Granules
Sea Ice in the Belcher Islands, Nunavut, Canada, Version 1 ELOKA002 1 No Granules
Sea-ice Thickness and Draft Statistics from Submarine ULS, Moored ULS, and a Coupled Model, Version 1 G02194 1 No Granules
Seasat and GEOSAT Altimetry for the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets, Version 1 NSIDC-0053 1 No Granules
Seasonal Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Reconstructions, 1905-2020, Version 1 G10039 1 No Granules
Seasonal and annual dynamics of frozen ground, central highland of Iceland, Version 1 GGD9 1 No Granules
Seasonal frost and soil temperature data, Western Cape Mountains, South Africa, Version 1 GGD482 1 No Granules
Seasonal frost depths, midwestern USA, Version 1 GGD498 1 No Granules
Seasonal frost penetration, Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA, Version 1 GGD278 1 No Granules
Shallow Borehole Temperatures, Ilulissat, Greenland, Version 1 GGD631 1 No Granules
Silalirijiit Project: Community created weather station network, Version 1 ELOKA042 1 No Granules
Silalirijiit Project: Kangiqtugaapik (Clyde River), Nunavut, Canada, Weather Station Network, Version 1 ELOKA019 1 No Granules
Simulated 12-Month Ice Parcel Tracks from Gridded Sea Ice Motion, Version 1 NSIDC-0790 1 No Granules
Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Data Products at NSIDC, Version 1 G02158 1 No Granules
Snow Melt Onset Over Arctic Sea Ice from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS Brightness Temperatures, Version 5 NSIDC-0105 5 No Granules
Snowchange Oral History - Work Among the Kolyma River Indigenous Societies in Siberia, Russia, Version 1 ELOKA014 1 No Granules
Snowfall and Snow Depth for Canada 1943-1982, Version 1 G00922 1 No Granules
Soil Temperature Station Data from Permafrost Regions of Russia (Selection of Five Stations), 1915 - 2000, Version 1 G02189 1 No Granules
Soil temperatures at South Royalton, Vermont, USA, Version 1 GGD489 1 No Granules
Soil temperatures from Disko Island (Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavn), Greenland, Version 1 GGD273 1 No Granules
Southern Hemisphere Ice Limits, 1973-1978, Version 1 G02129 1 No Granules
Submarine Upward Looking Sonar Ice Draft Profile Data and Statistics, Version 1 G01360 1 No Granules
Summary Report of Community-Based Environmental and Species Observations from the Bering Sea Sub-Network, 2008-2009, Version 1 ELOKA028 1 No Granules
TOVS Pathfinder Path-P Daily and Monthly Polar Gridded Atmospheric Parameters, Version 1 NSIDC-0027 1 No Granules
The Dehn Collection of Arctic Sea Ice Charts, 1953-1986, Version 1 G01111 1 No Granules
The Northern Bering Sea: Our Way of Life, Version 1 ELOKA035 1 No Granules
The Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) Local Observations Interface, Version 1 ELOKA031 1 No Granules
Timing and Statistics of Autumn and Spring Annual Snow Cover for the Northern Hemisphere, 1972 to 2000, Version 1 G02168 1 No Granules
Two-dimensional Velocities of Ice Mélange from Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, Version 1 NSIDC-0765 1 No Granules
U.S. National Ice Center Arctic Sea Ice Charts and Climatologies in Gridded Format, 1972 - 2007, Version 1 G02172 1 No Granules
U.S. National Ice Center Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Charts in SIGRID-3 Format, Version 1 G10013 1 No Granules
U.S. National Ice Center Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration and Climatologies in Gridded Format, Version 1 G10033 1 No Granules
U.S. National Ice Center Daily Marginal Ice Zone Products, Version 1 G10017 1 No Granules
Unified Sea Ice Thickness Climate Data Record, 1947 Onward, Version 1 G10006 1 No Granules
University of Wisconsin Antarctic Soils Database, Version 1 GGD221 1 No Granules
Upper soil temperatures in the Kolyma Highland, Version 1 GGD31 1 No Granules
Voices from the Frontlines of Changing Bering Sea, Version 1 ELOKA046 1 No Granules
Wakasa Bay Weather Forecast Maps, Version 1 NSIDC-0462 1 No Granules
Waking the Bear: Understanding Circumpolar Bear Ceremonialism, Version 1 ELOKA047 1 No Granules
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) North American Mountain Snow Data, Version 1 NSIDC-0736 1 No Granules
Western Italian Alps Monthly Snowfall and Snow Cover Duration, Version 1 G01186 1 No Granules
World Glacier Inventory, Version 1 G01130 1 No Granules
Yup'ik Environmental Knowledge Project (Community Page), Version 1 ELOKA043 1 No Granules
Yup'ik Environmental Knowledge Project, Version 1 ELOKA032 1 No Granules