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Granule Search
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https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060255448-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_149_20230726T122755_2023072...
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- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_149_20230726T122755_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_149_20230726T122755_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_149_20230726T122755_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: -77.5562345 -180 -76.8763531 -172.9163226 -73.4819884 -154.631386 -69.0172888 -143.3044531 -64.0273134 -136.1156241 -58.7615395 -131.2775305 -53.3374523 -127.8323022 -47.8150981 -125.2580431 -42.2278323 -123.2546297 -36.5956463 -121.6392244 -30.9313944 -120.2942342 -25.2439229 -119.1400891 -19.5397455 -118.1202114 -13.8239917 -117.1922528 -8.1009727 -116.3226834 -2.37454 -115.4832159 0.4888167 -115.0667173 6.2135609 -114.2246046 11.9325997 -113.3489562 17.6419835 -112.411748 23.3372433 -111.3799963 29.0130292 -110.2124186 34.6625461 -108.8544926 40.2766224 -107.2306417 45.8421001 -105.2311854 51.3389117 -102.6894575 56.7344701 -99.3397914 61.9722164 -94.7373871 66.9467631 -88.1043231 71.4479357 -78.0656619 75.0448655 -62.4855247 76.9682762 -40.0083168 78.1029102 -40.7720519 76.019976 -64.901295 72.2203201 -80.7850289 67.5586067 -90.6134742 62.4680776 -96.9570315 57.1462182 -101.3032068 51.6881784 -104.4463452 46.1438537 -106.8256769 40.5416234 -108.6982478 34.8988674 -110.2232916 29.2269939 -111.504822 23.5340154 -112.6142754 17.8259537 -113.6032178 12.1076464 -114.5108778 6.3832372 -115.3688877 0.6564921 -116.2044913 -2.2066261 -116.6218021 -7.9300933 -117.4710714 -13.6467331 -118.3617519 -19.3524699 -119.323073 -25.0426154 -120.3901108 -30.7114582 -121.607514 -36.3516102 -123.0351395 -41.9529148 -124.75712 -47.5005305 -126.897236 -52.971397 -129.6462545 -58.3273289 -133.3127762 -63.5006469 -138.4209342 -68.3624962 -145.8957008 -72.6518113 -157.3481442 -75.84108 -175.0071972 -76.4653391 -180 -77.5562345 -180POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060255448-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060255675-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_150_20230726T131923_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_150_20230726T131923_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_150_20230726T131923_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_150_20230726T131923_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_150_20230726T131923_2023072...
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- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: 78.2362414 -32.1829611 77.0897237 -32.1829611 75.8399841 -7.9395783 72.6501699 9.7167702 68.360759 21.1680711 63.4990184 28.6429085 58.3258903 33.7517616 52.9701746 37.4192571 47.4995245 40.1693464 41.9521127 42.3105298 36.3509928 44.0335159 30.711003 45.4620475 25.0422986 46.6802323 19.3522669 47.7479094 13.6466193 48.7097149 7.9300442 49.6007163 2.206617 50.4501375 -0.6564905 50.86746 -6.3832336 51.7029578 -12.1076672 52.5606915 -17.8260267 53.467909 -23.5341698 54.4562495 -29.22726 55.5649527 -34.8992765 56.8455995 -40.5422062 58.3696478 -46.1446391 60.241143 -51.6891906 62.6193677 -57.147472 65.7614504 -62.4695682 70.1067735 -67.5602878 76.449985 -72.2220488 86.2792 -76.0213815 102.1656949 -78.1032616 126.29855 -76.9685868 127.0610023 -75.0461911 104.5811706 -71.4496393 88.9987413 -66.9484816 78.9593741 -61.973793 72.3266187 -56.735845 67.7250198 -51.3400685 64.3763709 -45.8430433 61.8357208 -40.2773669 59.8373183 -34.6631124 58.2144464 -29.0134402 56.8573915 -23.3375234 55.6905542 -17.6421572 54.6593964 -11.9326915 53.7226244 -6.2135954 52.8472466 -0.4888186 52.0052344 2.3745449 51.5887216 8.1009719 50.749097 13.8239582 49.8792009 19.5396512 48.9507511 25.2437382 47.9302258 30.9310886 46.7752886 36.5951883 45.4293787 42.2271916 43.8129498 47.8142468 41.8084451 53.3363685 39.2330835 58.7602129 35.7868398 64.0257579 30.9480038 69.0155715 23.7590811 73.4803021 12.4334309 76.8751738 -5.8481319 78.2362414 -32.1829611POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060255675-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060255902-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_151_20230726T141049_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_151_20230726T141049_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_151_20230726T141049_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_151_20230726T141049_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_151_20230726T141049_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: -71.2496386 -180 -69.0172888 -169.1948641 -64.0273134 -162.0060351 -58.7615395 -157.1679415 -53.3374523 -153.7227131 -47.8150981 -151.1484541 -42.2278323 -149.1450407 -36.5956463 -147.5296353 -30.9313944 -146.1846452 -25.2439229 -145.0305001 -19.5397455 -144.0106223 -13.8239917 -143.0826638 -8.1009727 -142.2130944 -2.37454 -141.3736269 0.4888167 -140.9571282 6.2135609 -140.1150156 11.9325997 -139.2393671 17.6419835 -138.302159 23.3372433 -137.2704073 29.0130292 -136.1028295 34.6625461 -134.7449036 40.2766224 -133.1210526 45.8421001 -131.1215963 51.3389117 -128.5798685 56.7344701 -125.2302024 61.9722164 -120.627798 66.9467631 -113.9947341 71.4479357 -103.9560729 75.0448655 -88.3759357 76.9682762 -65.8987277 78.1029102 -66.6624628 76.019976 -90.791706 72.2203201 -106.6754398 67.5586067 -116.5038851 62.4680776 -122.8474424 57.1462182 -127.1936178 51.6881784 -130.3367561 46.1438537 -132.7160878 40.5416234 -134.5886588 34.8988674 -136.1137025 29.2269939 -137.395233 23.5340154 -138.5046864 17.8259537 -139.4936287 12.1076464 -140.4012887 6.3832372 -141.2592987 0.6564921 -142.0949022 -2.2066261 -142.512213 -7.9300933 -143.3614823 -13.6467331 -144.2521629 -19.3524699 -145.213484 -25.0426154 -146.2805218 -30.7114582 -147.497925 -36.3516102 -148.9255504 -41.9529148 -150.647531 -47.5005305 -152.7876469 -52.971397 -155.5366655 -58.3273289 -159.2031872 -63.5006469 -164.3113452 -68.3624962 -171.7861118 -70.5071538 -180 -71.2496386 -180POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060255902-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060256090-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_152_20230726T150304_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_152_20230726T150304_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_152_20230726T150304_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_152_20230726T150304_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_152_20230726T150304_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: 78.2362414 -58.0733721 77.0897237 -58.0733721 75.8399841 -33.8299893 72.6501699 -16.1736408 68.360759 -4.7223398 63.4990184 2.7524976 58.3258903 7.8613506 52.9701746 11.5288462 47.4995245 14.2789354 41.9521127 16.4201188 36.3509928 18.143105 30.711003 19.5716366 25.0422986 20.7898214 19.3522669 21.8574984 13.6466193 22.8193039 7.9300442 23.7103054 2.206617 24.5597265 -0.6564905 24.977049 -6.3832336 25.8125468 -12.1076672 26.6702805 -17.8260267 27.577498 -23.5341698 28.5658386 -29.22726 29.6745418 -34.8992765 30.9551886 -40.5422062 32.4792369 -46.1446391 34.3507321 -51.6891906 36.7289567 -57.147472 39.8710394 -62.4695682 44.2163625 -67.5602878 50.5595741 -72.2220488 60.388789 -76.0213815 76.2752839 -78.1032616 100.408139 -76.9685868 101.1705913 -75.0461911 78.6907597 -71.4496393 63.1083304 -66.9484816 53.0689632 -61.973793 46.4362077 -56.735845 41.8346088 -51.3400685 38.4859599 -45.8430433 35.9453098 -40.2773669 33.9469074 -34.6631124 32.3240354 -29.0134402 30.9669805 -23.3375234 29.8001432 -17.6421572 28.7689855 -11.9326915 27.8322135 -6.2135954 26.9568356 -0.4888186 26.1148235 2.3745449 25.6983107 8.1009719 24.858686 13.8239582 23.9887899 19.5396512 23.0603402 25.2437382 22.0398148 30.9310886 20.8848776 36.5951883 19.5389677 42.2271916 17.9225389 47.8142468 15.9180341 53.3363685 13.3426726 58.7602129 9.8964288 64.0257579 5.0575929 69.0155715 -2.1313299 73.4803021 -13.4569801 76.8751738 -31.7385429 78.2362414 -58.0733721POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060256090-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060256308-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_153_20230726T155343_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_153_20230726T155343_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_153_20230726T155343_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_153_20230726T155343_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_153_20230726T155343_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: -53.2883188 -180 -47.8150981 -177.038865 -42.2278323 -175.0354517 -36.5956463 -173.4200463 -30.9313944 -172.0750561 -25.2439229 -170.920911 -19.5397455 -169.9010333 -13.8239917 -168.9730747 -8.1009727 -168.1035053 -2.37454 -167.2640378 0.4888167 -166.8475392 6.2135609 -166.0054265 11.9325997 -165.1297781 17.6419835 -164.19257 23.3372433 -163.1608183 29.0130292 -161.9932405 34.6625461 -160.6353145 40.2766224 -159.0114636 45.8421001 -157.0120073 51.3389117 -154.4702794 56.7344701 -151.1206134 61.9722164 -146.518209 66.9467631 -139.885145 71.4479357 -129.8464838 75.0448655 -114.2663466 76.9682762 -91.7891387 78.1029102 -92.5528738 76.019976 -116.6821169 72.2203201 -132.5658508 67.5586067 -142.3942961 62.4680776 -148.7378534 57.1462182 -153.0840288 51.6881784 -156.2271671 46.1438537 -158.6064988 40.5416234 -160.4790697 34.8988674 -162.0041135 29.2269939 -163.2856439 23.5340154 -164.3950974 17.8259537 -165.3840397 12.1076464 -166.2916997 6.3832372 -167.1497097 0.6564921 -167.9853132 -2.2066261 -168.402624 -7.9300933 -169.2518933 -13.6467331 -170.1425739 -19.3524699 -171.1038949 -25.0426154 -172.1709327 -30.7114582 -173.3883359 -36.3516102 -174.8159614 -41.9529148 -176.537942 -47.5005305 -178.6780579 -50.2359637 -180 -53.2883188 -180POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060256308-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060256472-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_154_20230726T164510_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_154_20230726T164510_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_154_20230726T164510_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_154_20230726T164510_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_154_20230726T164510_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: 78.2362414 -83.9637831 77.0897237 -83.9637831 75.8399841 -59.7204003 72.6501699 -42.0640517 68.360759 -30.6127508 63.4990184 -23.1379134 58.3258903 -18.0290604 52.9701746 -14.3615648 47.4995245 -11.6114756 41.9521127 -9.4702921 36.3509928 -7.747306 30.711003 -6.3187744 25.0422986 -5.1005896 19.3522669 -4.0329125 13.6466193 -3.071107 7.9300442 -2.1801056 2.206617 -1.3306844 -0.6564905 -0.913362 -6.3832336 -0.0778642 -12.1076672 0.7798696 -17.8260267 1.687087 -23.5341698 2.6754276 -29.22726 3.7841308 -34.8992765 5.0647776 -40.5422062 6.5888259 -46.1446391 8.4603211 -51.6891906 10.8385458 -57.147472 13.9806284 -62.4695682 18.3259515 -67.5602878 24.6691631 -72.2220488 34.498378 -76.0213815 50.384873 -78.1032616 74.5177281 -76.9685868 75.2801804 -75.0461911 52.8003487 -71.4496393 37.2179194 -66.9484816 27.1785522 -61.973793 20.5457967 -56.735845 15.9441978 -51.3400685 12.5955489 -45.8430433 10.0548988 -40.2773669 8.0564964 -34.6631124 6.4336245 -29.0134402 5.0765696 -23.3375234 3.9097323 -17.6421572 2.8785745 -11.9326915 1.9418025 -6.2135954 1.0664246 -0.4888186 0.2244125 2.3745449 -0.1921003 8.1009719 -1.0317249 13.8239582 -1.901621 19.5396512 -2.8300708 25.2437382 -3.8505961 30.9310886 -5.0055333 36.5951883 -6.3514433 42.2271916 -7.9678721 47.8142468 -9.9723768 53.3363685 -12.5477384 58.7602129 -15.9939821 64.0257579 -20.8328181 69.0155715 -28.0217408 73.4803021 -39.347391 76.8751738 -57.6289538 78.2362414 -83.9637831POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060256472-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060256731-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_155_20230726T173636_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_155_20230726T173636_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_155_20230726T173636_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_155_20230726T173636_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_155_20230726T173636_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: 51.2882851 -180 56.7344701 -177.0110243 61.9722164 -172.40862 66.9467631 -165.775556 71.4479357 -155.7368948 75.0448655 -140.1567576 76.9682762 -117.6795497 78.1029102 -118.4432847 76.019976 -142.5725279 72.2203201 -158.4562617 67.5586067 -168.284707 62.4680776 -174.6282644 57.1462182 -178.9744397 54.4171983 -180 51.2882851 -180POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060256731-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060257009-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_156_20230726T182803_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_156_20230726T182803_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_156_20230726T182803_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_156_20230726T182803_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_156_20230726T182803_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- api endpoint to retrieve temporary credentials valid for same...
- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- undefined
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
- Metadata link
Polygon: 78.2362414 -109.854194 77.0897237 -109.854194 75.8399841 -85.6108112 72.6501699 -67.9544627 68.360759 -56.5031618 63.4990184 -49.0283243 58.3258903 -43.9194713 52.9701746 -40.2519757 47.4995245 -37.5018865 41.9521127 -35.3607031 36.3509928 -33.6377169 30.711003 -32.2091853 25.0422986 -30.9910005 19.3522669 -29.9233235 13.6466193 -28.961518 7.9300442 -28.0705166 2.206617 -27.2210954 -0.6564905 -26.8037729 -6.3832336 -25.9682751 -12.1076672 -25.1105414 -17.8260267 -24.2033239 -23.5341698 -23.2149833 -29.22726 -22.1062801 -34.8992765 -20.8256334 -40.5422062 -19.3015851 -46.1446391 -17.4300898 -51.6891906 -15.0518652 -57.147472 -11.9097825 -62.4695682 -7.5644594 -67.5602878 -1.2212479 -72.2220488 8.6079671 -76.0213815 24.494462 -78.1032616 48.6273171 -76.9685868 49.3897694 -75.0461911 26.9099377 -71.4496393 11.3275085 -66.9484816 1.2881413 -61.973793 -5.3446142 -56.735845 -9.9462131 -51.3400685 -13.294862 -45.8430433 -15.8355121 -40.2773669 -17.8339145 -34.6631124 -19.4567865 -29.0134402 -20.8138414 -23.3375234 -21.9806787 -17.6421572 -23.0118365 -11.9326915 -23.9486085 -6.2135954 -24.8239863 -0.4888186 -25.6659984 2.3745449 -26.0825112 8.1009719 -26.9221359 13.8239582 -27.792032 19.5396512 -28.7204817 25.2437382 -29.7410071 30.9310886 -30.8959443 36.5951883 -32.2418542 42.2271916 -33.8582831 47.8142468 -35.8627878 53.3363685 -38.4381493 58.7602129 -41.8843931 64.0257579 -46.723229 69.0155715 -53.9121518 73.4803021 -65.237802 76.8751738 -83.5193648 78.2362414 -109.854194POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060257009-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060257204-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_157_20230726T191930_2023072...
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
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Polygon: 73.2464006 -180 75.0448655 -166.0471686 76.9682762 -143.5699606 78.1029102 -144.3336957 76.019976 -168.4629388 74.120148 -180 73.2464006 -180POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060257204-POCLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/G3060257293-POCLOUD.xmlLinks:- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_158_20230726T201145_2023072...
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
- Download SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_Basic_001_158_20230726T201145_2023072...
- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- This link provides direct download access via S3 to the granule
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- ssh_karin
- ssha_karin
- ssh_karin_2
- mean_sea_surface_cnescls
- geoid
- internal_tide_hret
- height_cor_xover
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Polygon: 78.2362414 -135.744605 77.0897237 -135.744605 75.8399841 -111.5012222 72.6501699 -93.8448737 68.360759 -82.3935727 63.4990184 -74.9187353 58.3258903 -69.8098823 52.9701746 -66.1423867 47.4995245 -63.3922975 41.9521127 -61.251114 36.3509928 -59.5281279 30.711003 -58.0995963 25.0422986 -56.8814115 19.3522669 -55.8137344 13.6466193 -54.851929 7.9300442 -53.9609275 2.206617 -53.1115063 -0.6564905 -52.6941839 -6.3832336 -51.8586861 -12.1076672 -51.0009523 -17.8260267 -50.0937349 -23.5341698 -49.1053943 -29.22726 -47.9966911 -34.8992765 -46.7160443 -40.5422062 -45.191996 -46.1446391 -43.3205008 -51.6891906 -40.9422761 -57.147472 -37.8001935 -62.4695682 -33.4548704 -67.5602878 -27.1116588 -72.2220488 -17.2824439 -76.0213815 -1.395949 -78.1032616 22.7369062 -76.9685868 23.4993584 -75.0461911 1.0195268 -71.4496393 -14.5629025 -66.9484816 -24.6022697 -61.973793 -31.2350252 -56.735845 -35.8366241 -51.3400685 -39.185273 -45.8430433 -41.7259231 -40.2773669 -43.7243255 -34.6631124 -45.3471974 -29.0134402 -46.7042523 -23.3375234 -47.8710897 -17.6421572 -48.9022474 -11.9326915 -49.8390194 -6.2135954 -50.7143973 -0.4888186 -51.5564094 2.3745449 -51.9729222 8.1009719 -52.8125468 13.8239582 -53.6824429 19.5396512 -54.6108927 25.2437382 -55.6314181 30.9310886 -56.7863552 36.5951883 -58.1322652 42.2271916 -59.748694 47.8142468 -61.7531987 53.3363685 -64.3285603 58.7602129 -67.774804 64.0257579 -72.61364 69.0155715 -79.8025627 73.4803021 -91.128213 76.8751738 -109.4097758 78.2362414 -135.744605POCLOUD Unique ID: G3060257293-POCLOUD