
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • Geoton-L1 multispectral images from Resurs-P N2

    Geoton-L1 multispectral images from Resurs-P N2 Multispectral high resolution optoelectronic sensor from ?Resurs-P N2? satellite that has circular sun synchronous orbit. The sensor allows surveying earth surface in 7 spectral bands (450-520 nm, 520-600 nm, 610-680 nm, 670-700 nm, 700-730nm, 720-800 nm, 800-900 nm) with 3 m spatial resolution and panchromatic band (580-800 nm) with 1 m spatial resolution. Swath with of the sensor is 38 km. The revisit frequency is less than 3 days. Data from the sensor can be used for infrastructure monitoring, cadastral and topographical surveying, engineering surveying, natural resources inventory, emergency situation monitoring.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: RP2_GTNL1 Version ID: 0.1 Unique ID: C2231912426-CEOS_EXTRA

  • Hyperspectral imaging from Resurs-P N2

    Hyperspectral imaging from Resurs-P N2 Hyperspectral sensor from ?Resurs-P N2? satellite that has circular sun synchronous orbit. The sensor allows surveying earth surface in the 96-255 narrow spectral bands from 400 to 1100 nm with 30 m spatial resolution and 3 days revisit frequency. Swath with of the sensor is 25 km. Received data can be used to address different problems in agriculture, ecology, cartography, construction, forestry, natural resources inventory, emergency situations monitoring. This data allows identification of vegetation composition, pollution, mineral composition of soils, subsoils, rock. Many other parameters of natural and anthropogenic objects can also be determined.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: RP2_GSA Version ID: 0.1 Unique ID: C2231912393-CEOS_EXTRA

  • SHMSA-SR multispectral images from Resurs-P N2

    SHMSA-SR multispectral images from Resurs-P N2 Medium resolution wide-swath optical sensor from ?Resurs-P N1? satellite that has circular sun synchronous orbit. The sensor allows surveying earth surface in panchromatic mode (430-700 nm) with 60 m spatial resolution and in multispectral mode (430-510 nm, 510-580 nm, 600-700 nm, 700-900 nm, 800-900 nm) with 120 m spatial resolution. Swath with of the sensor is 441 km. The revisit frequency is less than 3 days. This data can be used for natural resources monitoring, environmental pollution control, water resources control, mineral resources surveying, engineering surveying, ice and emergency situation monitoring.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: RP2_SSR Version ID: 0.1 Unique ID: C2231912419-CEOS_EXTRA

  • SHMSA-VR multispectral images from Resurs-P N2

    SHMSA-VR multispectral images from Resurs-P N2 High resolution wide-swath optical sensor from ?Resurs-P N2? satellite that has circular sun synchronous orbit. The sensor allows surveying earth surface in panchromatic mode (430-700 nm) with 12 m spatial resolution and in multispectral mode (430-510 nm, 510-580 nm, 600-700 nm, 700-900 nm, 800-900 nm) with 23,8 m spatial resolution. Swath with of the sensor is 97 km. The revisit frequency is less than 3 days. This data can be used for natural resources monitoring, environmental pollution control, water resources control, mineral resources surveying, engineering surveying, ice and emergency situation monitoring

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: RP2_SVR Version ID: 0.1 Unique ID: C2231912389-CEOS_EXTRA