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  • Data Products for the Indian Remote Sensing Satellites

    The series of indian Remote sensing satellites like IRS-1A,IRS-1B,IRS-1C,IRS-1D,IRS-P4,IRS-P6,IRS-P5 with spatial resolution ranging from 360m to 2.5m and also with pancromatic and multispectral imaging capability,catering to the needs of the country in managing its natural resources. Today, IRS data is being used for a diverse range of applications such as crop acreage and production estimation of major crops, drought monitoring and assessment based on vegetation condition, flood risk zone mapping and flood damage assessment, hydro-geo-morphological maps for locating underground water resources, irrigation command area status monitoring, snowmelt run-off estimation, land use and land cover mapping, urban planning, biodiversity characterization, forest survey, wetland mapping, environmental impact analysis, mineral prospecting, coastal studies, integrated surveys for developing sustainable action plans and so on.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    SCIOPS Short Name: NRSC_IRS_LISS_PRODUCT Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214591063-SCIOPS

  • Oceansat Imagery from the Earth Scan Laboratory

    The Louisiana coast receives large volumes of river water from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. The rivers usually flood in spring and sometimes into summer, producing a stratified water column. The river-borne nutrients fuel large phytoplankton blooms on the shelf. These physical and biological processes can result in hypoxia on the shelf, and the "dead zone". The Ocean Color Monitor (OCM), with 8 spectral bands similar to NASA's SeaWiFS sensor, is used to estimate chlorophyll a concentrations as well as to quantify suspended sediments. "True color" enhancements can provide additional information on cloud cover, water mass color/types, vegetation health, and bottom type. The fate of river waters and the location of ocean eddies can be determined using various channels and channel combinations from "ocean color sensors". One big advantage of the OCM sensor is that its pixels are 360m, in contrast to SeaWiFS and MODIS which have 1 km pixels. It is important to clarify that satellite-derived chlorophyll measurements can be effected by CDOM, suspended sediments, and bottom reflectance. Thus, caution should be taken when interpreting the patterns in coastal waters.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    SCIOPS Short Name: LSU_ESL_OCEANSAT Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214621397-SCIOPS

  • Real Time Monitoring of Coastal and Estuarine Process

    The Louisiana Coastal ocean receives the discharge from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers through the "bird-foot" delta and through Atchafalaya Bay. Over thousands of years, these river sediments have built the extensive Louisiana wetlands, many of which are now in a state of decline. In support of coastal research and management, we have developed satellite image products that enable frequent surveillance of surface water temperatures, suspended sediment concentrations, and pigments (chlorophyll a and CDOM ) along the coast and in Louisiana's shallow lakes and bays where coastal restoration, via river diversions, is underway. The MODIS "true color " images are particularly useful for detecting river waters and studying sediment transport in Louisiana coastal waters (see image above). In addition, selected clear sky NOAA AVHRR temperature and atmospherically-corrected reflectance images (showing suspended sediments) of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Bay regions are available for viewing extending back to 1999. Our highest resolution ocean color imagery is acquired in real-time by the Oceansat-1 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM).The derived chlorophyll 'a' product should be viewed as a gross estimate as it is usually higher than true values due to the effect of CDOM and suspended sediments, both of which occur in high concentrations along the Louisiana Coast. [Summary provided by Louisiana State University.]

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 28 -96 34 -84

    SCIOPS Short Name: LSU_ESL_COAST_EST Version ID: PROCESS Unique ID: C1214621558-SCIOPS

  • Surveillance of Lake Pontchartrain Algal Blooms

    Oceansat-1 OCM ocean color measurements and Terra-1/Aqua-1 MODIS true color measurements are providing daily updates on water quality and algal blooms in Lake Pontchartrain and surrounding coastal areas in the aftermath of KATRINA. We will be evaluating the bloom features through the collection and analysis of water samples in key locations. HPLC measurements, spectro-radiometer data, and phytoplankton identifications will assist in our assessments. [Summary provided by Louisiana State University.]

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 29 -91 31 -89

    SCIOPS Short Name: LSU_ESL Version ID: LAKEP Unique ID: C1214621556-SCIOPS