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  • Data Products for the Indian Remote Sensing Satellites

    The series of indian Remote sensing satellites like IRS-1A,IRS-1B,IRS-1C,IRS-1D,IRS-P4,IRS-P6,IRS-P5 with spatial resolution ranging from 360m to 2.5m and also with pancromatic and multispectral imaging capability,catering to the needs of the country in managing its natural resources. Today, IRS data is being used for a diverse range of applications such as crop acreage and production estimation of major crops, drought monitoring and assessment based on vegetation condition, flood risk zone mapping and flood damage assessment, hydro-geo-morphological maps for locating underground water resources, irrigation command area status monitoring, snowmelt run-off estimation, land use and land cover mapping, urban planning, biodiversity characterization, forest survey, wetland mapping, environmental impact analysis, mineral prospecting, coastal studies, integrated surveys for developing sustainable action plans and so on.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    SCIOPS Short Name: NRSC_IRS_LISS_PRODUCT Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214591063-SCIOPS

  • IRS 1C LIS3 Standard Products

    The medium resolution multi-spectral sensor, LISS-3 operates in four spectral bands - B2, B3, B4 in visible near infrared (VNIR) and B5 in Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) providing data with 23.5m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    ISRO Short Name: 1C_LIS3_STUC00GTD Version ID: 1.0 Unique ID: C1443228137-ISRO

  • IRS 1C Standard Geo Referenced Product

    The data is acquired in four spectral bands, three in the visible and in NIR (VNIR B2, B3 and B4)and one in the short wave infrared (SWIR B5).The AWiFS camera is realized in two electro-optic modules viz. AWiFS-A and AWiFS-B, providing a combined swath of 740 Km with 56m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    ISRO Short Name: 1C_WIFS_STUC00GTD Version ID: 1.0 Unique ID: C1443227047-ISRO

  • IRS Pan 104-052 of 23 Nov 1996

    IRS Panchromatic image of Kathmandu Valley

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 26 79.9 30.88 88.84

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: ICId0021_202 Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2232849217-CEOS_EXTRA

  • IRS-1C - Multispectral Images (LISS-III) - Europe

    Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. IRS LISS-III data are well suited for agricultural and forestry monitoring tasks. Because of their simultaneous acquisition with IRS PAN data and the availability of a synthetic blue band, LISS-III data are ideal for colouring IRS PAN products.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 30 -25 80 45

    FEDEO Short Name: 1f1940e4-ec31-4925-8fa8-942a59531888 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2207457984-FEDEO

  • IRS-1C - Panchromatic Images (PAN) - Europe

    Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. With 5 m resolution and products covering areas up to 70 km x 70 km IRS PAN data provide a cost effective solution for mapping tasks up to 1:25'000 scale.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 30 -25 80 45

    FEDEO Short Name: a86bc574-3f22-44f8-a1f6-8d5bcc1c8a72 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2207458068-FEDEO

  • IRS-1C - Wide Field Sensor Images (WiFS) - Europe

    Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. The revisit capability of only 5 days and the product coverage size of 800 km x 800 km make WiFS products a valuable source for application fields such as flood and snow melt monitoring.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 30 -25 80 45

    FEDEO Short Name: 7bcddca7-f59e-4298-978a-37dd39ac6dba Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2207458026-FEDEO

  • IRS-1C/1D European coverage

    IRS-1C/1D dataset is composed of products generated by the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites 1C/1D PAN sensor. The products, acquired from 1996 to 2004 over Europe, are radiometrically and ortho corrected level 1 black and white images at 5 metre resolution and cover an area of up to 70 x 70 km. Sensor: PAN Type: Panchromatic Resolution (m): 5 Coverage (km x km): 70 x 70 System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Acquisition in Neustrelitz: 1996 - 2004 5 70 x 70 X X Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a _$$map$$ available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -25 -20 75 50

    ESA Short Name: IRS-1.archive Version ID: NA Unique ID: C1965336915-ESA

  • IRS-1C/1D Full archive

    The following products are available • PAN: Panchromatic, resolution 5 m, Coverage 70 km x 70 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected, • LISS-III: Multi-spectral, resolution 25 m, Coverage 140 km x 140 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected (ortho delivered without Band 5) • WiFS: Multi-spectral, resolution 180 m, Coverage 800 km x 800 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected Sensor: PAN, Type: Panchromatic, Resolution (m): 5, Coverage (km x km): 70 x 70, System or radiometrically corrected, Ortho corrected (DN), Global archive: 1996 – 2007 (IRS-1C) and 1998 – 2009 (IRS-1D) Sensor: LISS-III, Type: Multi-spectral, Resolution (m): 25, Coverage (km x km): 140 x 140, System or radiometrically corrected, Ortho corrected (DN) (without band 5), Global archive: 1996 – 2007 (IRS-1C) and 1998 – 2009 (IRS-1D) Sensor: WiFS, Type: Multi-spectral, Resolution (m): 180, Coverage (km x km): 800 x 800, System or radiometrically corrected, Ortho corrected (DN), Global archive: 1996 – 2007 (IRS-1C) and 1998 – 2009 (IRS-1D) Note: • Whether system corrected or radiometrically corrected products are available depends on sensor and processing centre • For PAN and LISS-III ortho corrected: If unavailable, user has to supply ground control information and DEM in suitable quality • For WiFS ortho corrected: service based on in house available ground control information and DEM The products are available as part of the GAF Imagery products from the Indian missions: IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CartoSat-1 (IRS-P5), ResourceSat-1 (IRS-P6) and ResourceSat-2 (IRS-R2) missions. 'IRS-1C/1D Full archive' collection has worldwide coverage: data can be requested by contacting GAF user support to check the readiness since no catalogue is not available. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability (

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    ESA Short Name: IRS-1C_1D.Full.archive Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2119689471-ESA