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ARM/GCIP Near-Surface Observation Data Set - 1996 (NESOB-96) at UCAR/JOSS/NOAA/CODIAC
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214608961-SCIOPS.xmlDescription:The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)/Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-scale International Project (GCIP) Near-Surface Observation Data Set - 1996 (NESOB-96) took place around the ARM - Cloud and Radiation Testbed (ARM/CART) site (34 to 39 Deg North Latitude and 94.5 to 100.5 Degrees West Longitude) during the period beginning 1 April and ending 30 September 1996. This data set includes data covering the vertical dimension from 3000 m above the surface to two meters below the surface. The data set will include surface meteorological data, precipitation, radiation, heat and momentum fluxes, soil temperature and moisture, and vertical profiles of temperature, moisture, and winds. The measurements will be from a wide variety of instrumentation and sources.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 34 -100.5 39 -94.5SCIOPS Short Name: NESOB96_UCAR_JOSS_NOAA_CODIAC Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214608961-SCIOPS
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ARM/GCIP Near-Surface Observation Data Set - 1997 (NESOB-97) at UCAR/JOSS/NOAA/CODIAC
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214608948-SCIOPS.xmlDescription:The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)/Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-scale International Project (GCIP) Near-Surface Observation Data Set - 1997 (NESOB-97) took place around the ARM - Cloud and Radiation Testbed (ARM/CART) site (34 to 39 Deg North Latitude and 94.5 to 100.5 Degrees West Longitude) during the period beginning 1 April 1997 and ending 31 March 1998. This data set includes data covering the vertical dimension from 3000 m above the surface to two meters below the surface. The data set will include surface meteorological data, precipitation, radiation, heat and momentum fluxes, soil temperature and moisture, and vertical profiles of temperature, moisture, and winds. The measurements will be from a wide variety of instrumentation and sources.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 34 -100.5 39 -94.5SCIOPS Short Name: NESOB97_UCAR_JOSS_NOAA_CODIAC Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214608948-SCIOPS
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Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) at UCAR/JOSS/NOAA/CODIAC
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214611163-SCIOPS.xmlDescription:The scientific objectives of ACE-Asia are to determine and understand the properties and controlling factors of the aerosol in the anthropogenically modified atmosphere of Eastern Asia and the Northwest Pacific and to assess their relevance for radiative forcing of climate. To achieve these goals, ACE-Asia will pursue three specific objectives: 1) - Determine the physical, chemical, and radiative properties of the major aerosol types in the Eastern Asia and Northwest Pacific region and investigate the relationships among these properties. 2) - Quantify the physical and chemical processes controlling the evolution of the major aerosol types and in particular their physical, chemical, and radiative properties. 3) - Develop procedures to extrapolate aerosol properties and processes from local to regional and global scales, and assess the regional direct and indirect radiative forcing by aerosols in the Eastern Asia and Northwest Pacific region For more information, see: "http://saga.pmel.noaa.gov/aceasia/"
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 10 100 50 170SCIOPS Short Name: ACEASIA_UCAR_JOSS_NOAA_CODIAC Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214611163-SCIOPS
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BOREAS Follow-On HMet-01 Level-2 GOES-8 1996 Shortwave and Longwave Radiation
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2956526671-ORNL_CLOUD.xmlDescription:The BOREAS RSS-14 team collected and processed several Level-1 GOES-7 and GOES-8 image data sets for 1994-1996, and GOES-7 Level-2 for 1994 over the BOREAS study region. This data set contains shortwave and longwave radiation images at the surface and top of the atmosphere derived from collected GOES-8 data. These GOES-8 Level-2 data cover the period from 12-Feb-1996 to 22-Oct-1996.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 50 -111 60 -92ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: BFO_hmet01_goes8_level2_srb_605 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2956526671-ORNL_CLOUD
BOREAS RSS-14 GOES-8 Level-1 Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Images
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2929112895-ORNL_CLOUD.xmlDescription:The level-1 BOREAS GOES-8 images are raw data values collected by RSS-14 personnel at FSU and delivered to BORIS. The data cover 14-Jul-1995 to 21-Sep-1995 and 01-Jan-1996 to 03-Oct- 1996. The data start out containing three 8-bit spectral bands and end up containing five 10-bit spectral bands.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 50.09 -111 58.98 -93.5ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: goes81_445 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2929112895-ORNL_CLOUD
BOREAS RSS-14 GOES-8 Level-1a Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Images
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2929124379-ORNL_CLOUD.xmlDescription:The level-1a GOES-8 images cover 14-Jul-1995 to 21-Sep-1995 and 12-Feb-1996 to 03-Oct-1996. The data start out as three bands with 8-bit pixel values and end up as five bands with 10-bit pixel values. The differences between the level-1 and level-1a GOES-8 data are the formatting and packaging of the data. The images missing from the temporal series of level-1 GOES-8 images were zero-filled to create files consistent in size and format.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 50.09 -111 58.98 -93.5ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: goes81a_446 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2929124379-ORNL_CLOUD
BOREAS RSS-14 Level-3 Gridded Radiometer and Satellite Surface Radiation Images
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2929125100-ORNL_CLOUD.xmlDescription:The BOREAS RSS-14 team collected and processed GOES-7 and -8 images of the BOREAS region as part of their effort to characterize the incoming, reflected and emitted radiation at regional scales. This data set contains surface radiation parameters, such as net radiation and net solar radiation, that have been interpolated from GOES-7 images and AMS data onto the standard BOREAS mapping grid at a resolution of 5 km N-S and E-W.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 53.15 -108.14 56.58 -95.48ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: rss14srb_447 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2929125100-ORNL_CLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979103576-GHRC_DAAC.xmlDescription:In support of the third Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX-3), imagery from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 8 (GOES-8) was collected and archived. Three channels were archived: channel 1-- visible (0.65 microns), channel 2-- infrared (11 microns) and channel 3, which is known as the water vapor channel (6.75 microns).
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 10 -100 50 -50GHRC_DAAC Short Name: cmx3g8 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1979103576-GHRC_DAAC
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979102757-GHRC_DAAC.xmlDescription:The CAMEX-4 GOES-8 Products dataset was collected during the CAMEX-4 field campaign, which ocused on the study of tropical cyclone (hurricane) development, tracking, intensification, and landfalling impacts using NASA-funded aircraft and surface remote sensing instrumentation. In support of the fourth Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX-4), imagery from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 8 (GOES-8) was collected and archived. Three channels were archived: channel 1-- visible (0.65 microns), channel 2-- infrared (11 microns) and channel 3-- known as the water vapor channel (6.75 microns). Data files are available in McIDAS format, and browse imagery is also available.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 15 -130 75 -10GHRC_DAAC Short Name: c4sg8 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1979102757-GHRC_DAAC
CERES GEO Cloud Retrievals in ISCCP-D2like Format Daytime Edition3A
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C7019528-LARC_ASDC.xmlDescription:CER_ISCCP-D2like-GEO_DAY_Edition3A is the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Geostationary Satellite (GEO) Cloud Retrievals in International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)-D2like Format Daytime Edition3A data product. Data collection for this product is complete. The Monthly Gridded Cloud Averages (ISCCP-D2like-GEO) data product contains monthly and monthly 3-hourly (GMT-based) gridded regional mean geostationary satellite (GEO) cloud properties as a function of 18 cloud types, similar to the ISCCP D2 product, where the cloud properties are stratified by pressure, optical depth, and phase. The ISCCP-D2like-GEO product is a 5-satellite, daytime 3-hourly GMT, 8-km nominal resolution, geostationary-only cloud product limited to . The ISCCP-D2like-GEO is a daytime-only product, where the cloud retrievals incorporate only the visible and IR channels common to all geostationary satellites for spatial consistency. Each ISCCP-D2like file covers a single month. CERES is a key component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) program. The CERES instruments provide radiometric measurements of the Earth's atmosphere from three broadband channels. The CERES missions are a follow-on to the successful Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) mission. The first CERES instrument, protoflight model (PFM), was launched on November 27, 1997 as part of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). Two CERES instruments (FM1 and FM2) were launched into polar orbit on board the Earth Observing System (EOS) flagship Terra on December 18, 1999. Two additional CERES instruments (FM3 and FM4) were launched on board Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua on May 4, 2002. The CERES FM5 instrument was launched on board the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite on October 28, 2011. The newest CERES instrument (FM6) was launched on board the Joint Polar-Orbiting Satellite System 1 (JPSS-1) satellite, now called NOAA-20, on November 18, 2017.
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Polygon: -90 -180 -90 180 90 180 90 -180 -90 -180LARC_ASDC Short Name: CER_ISCCP-D2like-GEO_DAY Version ID: Edition3A Unique ID: C7019528-LARC_ASDC