
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • CBERS-4A/WFI - Level-4-SR - Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF

    CBERS-4A/WFI Surface Reflectance product over Brazil. L4 SR product provides orthorectified surface reflectance images. This dataset is provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG).

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -38.111915 -81.507167 39.663251 51.482289

    INPE Short Name: CB4A-WFI-L4-SR-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204696-INPE

  • CBERS-4A/WFI Image Mosaic of Brazil Paraíba State - 3 Months

    CBERS-4A/WFI image mosaic of Brazil Paraíba State with 55m of spatial resolution. The mosaic was prepared in order to demonstrate the technological capabilities of the Brazil Data Cube project tools. The false color composition is based on the WFI bands 16, 15 and 14 assigned to RGB channels. The temporal composition encompasses 03-months of images, starting in July 2020 and ending in September 2020, with a best pixel selection approach called Least Cloud Cover First (LCF). More information on LCF can be found at Brazil Data Cube web site ( This Image Mosaic used more than 50 CBERS-4A scenes and was generated based on an existing CBERS-4A/WFI image collection.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -8.3976443 -38.8134896 -5.87659 -34.7223714

    INPE Short Name: mosaic-cbers4a-paraiba-3m-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204719-INPE

  • CBERS-4A/WPM - Multispectral and Panchromatic Bands Fusioned

    This collection contains 2 meter high-resolution, RGB products, generated using the Principal Components Fusion (PCA) method, with values coded between 1 and 255, with 0 being reserved for 'No Data'. This product is derived from the original CBERS-4A WPM Level-4 Digital Number with 10 bit of quantization.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -34.572211 -74.678026 6.02882 -34.099281

    INPE Short Name: CB4A-WPM-PCA-FUSED-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204169-INPE

  • CBERS/WFI - Level-4-SR - Data Cube - LCF 8 days

    Earth Observation Data Cube generated from CBERS-4/WFI and CBERS-4A/WFI Level-4 SR products over Brazil extension. This dataset is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file format. The dataset is processed with 64 meters of spatial resolution, reprojected and cropped to BDC_LG grid Version 2 (BDC_LG V2), considering a temporal compositing function of 8 days using the Least Cloud Cover First (LCF) best pixel approach.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -36.733211 -76.2226604 6.013904 -32.761135

    INPE Short Name: CBERS-WFI-8D-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204417-INPE


    This collection contains images from the WFI sensor onboard the satellites CBERS-4, CBERS-4A and AMAZONIA-1 over Brazil. The data is processed by the Disasters Charter and provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG). This products has four spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red and NIR.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -35.238325 -62.117385 -25.46713 -44.055968

    INPE Short Name: charter-wfi-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204160-INPE


    This collection contains images from the CBERS-4A/WPM over Brazil. The data is processed by the Disasters Charter and provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG). This products has four spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red and NIR.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -31.457375 -52.08743 -26.980703 -50.412963

    INPE Short Name: charter-wpm-1 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3108204419-INPE