
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • CCD - High Resolution CCD Camera (CBERS 2) Imagery

    CBERS-2 CCD - High Resolution CCD Camera. The CCD camera provides images of a 113 km wide strip with 20m spatial resolution. Since this camera has a sideways pointing capability of ± 32 degrees, it is capable of taking stereoscopic images of a certain region. The CCD camera operates in 5 spectral bands that include a panchromatic one from 0.51 to 0.73 µm. A complete coverage cycle of the CCD camera takes 26 days.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -60 -85 10 -20

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: INPE_CBERS2_CCD Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2227456154-CEOS_EXTRA

  • China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS) 1, 2 and 2B Data Catalog

    [Source: INPE Image Catalog web site, ] DGI/INPE's Image Database presently contains images cast by Landsat-1, Landsat-2, Landsat-3, Landsat-5, Landsat-7, CBERS2 and CBERS-2B (China-Brazil Environment Resources Satellite) satellites. All images are fully cost free when requested (via Internet). These images are (by default) sent via FTP to the users for downloading. It can rather be recorded on a CD media and mailed to the user, what implies costs (media plus mailing) driving the user to register at the Users Assistance Service (ATUS) for tax payment and shipment procedures. Users that order images on a CD media, will be granted with an FTP bonus dispatch for the requested images, by courtesy of ATUS. Users registered at the ATUS service are able to request any item in the Catalog ; users not acquainted to ATUS service can only request those items which are cost free. The '$' symbol will be showed attatched to the enclosing border of each (quicklook) charged item in the Catalog, in order to distinguish them form free ones. More Information:

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: CBERS_DATA Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2227472287-CEOS_EXTRA

  • IRMSS - Infrared Multispectral Scanner (CBERS 2) Imagery

    The CBERS-2 satellite is designed for global coverage and include cameras that make optical observations and a Data Collection System transponder to gather data on the environment. They are unique systems due to the use of on board cameras which combine features that are specially designed to resolve the broad range of space and time scales involved in our ecosystem. The IRMSS operates in 4 spectral bands, thus extending the CBERS spectral coverage up to the thermal infrared range. It images a 120 km swath with the resolution of 80m (160m in the thermal channel). In 26 days one obtains a complete Earth coverage that can be correlated with the images of the CCD camera.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -60 -85 10 -20

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: INPE_CBERS2_IRM Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2227456081-CEOS_EXTRA

  • WFI - Wide Field Imager (CBERS 2) Imagery

    The CBERS-2 satellite is designed for global coverage and include cameras that make optical observations and a Data Collection System transponder to gather data on the environment. They are unique systems due to the use of on board cameras which combine features that are specially designed to resolve the broad range of space and time scales involved in our ecosystem. The WFI has a ground swath of 890 km which provides a synoptic view with spatial resolution of 260m. The Earth surface is completely covered in about 5 days.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -60 -85 10 -20

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: INPE_CBERS2_WFI Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2227456058-CEOS_EXTRA

  • WFI - Wide Field Imager (CBERS 2B)Imagery

    The CBERS-2B satellite is designed for global coverage and include cameras that make optical observations and a Data Collection System transponder to gather data on the environment. They are unique systems due to the use of on board cameras which combine features that are specially designed to resolve the broad range of space and time scales involved in our ecosystem. The WFI has a ground swath of 890 km which provides a synoptic view with spatial resolution of 260m. The Earth surface is completely covered in about 5 days.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -60 -85 10 -20

    CEOS_EXTRA Short Name: INPE_CBERS2B_WFI Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C2227456070-CEOS_EXTRA