
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • SCATSAT-1 ESDR Level 2 Ancillary Ocean Surface Fields Version 1.1

    This dataset contains the first science quality release (post-provisional after v1.0) of the MEaSUREs-funded Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) of ancillary data corresponding to the SCATSAT-1 Level 2 (L2) data products, interpolated in space and time to the scatterometer observations. These ancillary files include: i) ocean surface wind fields from ERA-5 short-term forecast (removed from the analyses times to reduce impacts from assimilated scatterometer retrievals at the beginning of the forecast); ii) collocated in space and time estimations of precipitation from the GPM IMERG product; iii) estimation of the surface currents from the GlobCurrent project. These auxiliary fields are included to complement the scatterometer observation fields and to help in the evaluation process. The modeled ocean surface auxiliary fields are provided on a non-uniform grid within the native L2 SCATSAT-1 sampled locations at a nominal 12.5 km pixel resolution. Each file corresponds to a specific orbital revolution (rev) number, which begins at the southernmost point of the ascending orbit. <br><br> The dataset represents the first science quality release of this product with funding from the MEaSUREs (Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments) program. Version 1.1 provides a set of updates and improvements from version 1.0, including: 1) improved variable metadata, 2) removed the GlobCurrent stokes drift variables, and 3) provided data source metadata including DOIs for the ERA-5, IMERGE, and GlobCurrent data sources. The primary purpose of this release is for science evaluation by the NASA International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (IOVWST).

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    POCLOUD Short Name: SCATSAT1_ESDR_ANCILLARY_L2_V1.1 Version ID: 1.1 Unique ID: C2706524255-POCLOUD

  • SCATSAT-1 Scatterometer Inter-Calibrated ESDR Level 2 Ocean Surface Equivalent Neutral Wind Vectors and Wind Stress Vectors Version 1.1

    This dataset contains ocean surface wind vectors (equivalent neutral and true 10m) and wind stress vectors derived from satellite-based scatterometer observations aboard ScatSat-1, representing the first science quality release of these data (post-provisional after v1.0) funded under the MEaAUREs program. This product from ScatSat-1 has been intercalibrated with similar scatterometer measurements from instruments on the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, and QuikScat satellites. The wind vector and stress retrievals are provided on a non-uniform grid within the swath (Level 2 (L2) products) at 12.5 km pixel resolution. Each L2 file corresponds to a specific orbital revolution number, which begins at the southernmost point of the ascending orbit. <br><br> The dataset represents the first science quality release funded under the MEaSUREs (Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments) program. Version 1.1 provides a set of updates and improvements from version 1.0, including: 1) increased data coverage, 2) improved quality control, and 3) new global metadata attributes featuring revolution number, equator crossing longitude, and equator crossing time (UTC). The primary purpose of this release is for science evaluation by the NASA International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (IOVWST).

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    POCLOUD Short Name: SCATSAT1_ESDR_L2_WIND_STRESS_V1.1 Version ID: 1.1 Unique ID: C2706520933-POCLOUD