
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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    The AAMH CPEX dataset contains products obtained from the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, NOAA-18, and NOAA-19 satellites. These data were collected in support of the NASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. The CPEX field campaign took place in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea region from 25 May to 25 June 2017. CPEX conducted a total of sixteen DC-8 missions from 27 May to 24 June. The CPEX campaign collected data to help explain convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data are available from May 26, 2017, through July 15, 2017, and are available in netCDF-4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 0.6408 154.716 44.9689 -19.5629

    GHRC_DAAC Short Name: aamhcpex Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC

  • Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX

    The Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX dataset consists of ice probability, wind speed, and wind direction estimates collected by the ASCAT. The ASCAT is onboard the MetOp-A and MetOp-B satellites and uses radar to measure the electromagnetic backscatter from the wind-roughened ocean surface, from which data on wind speed and direction can be derived. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. CPEX collected data to help answer questions about convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data files are available from May 24, 2017 through July 16, 2017 in netCDF-3 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 3.9062 160.241 42.5176 -25.0958

    GHRC_DAAC Short Name: ascatcpex Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2428509185-GHRC_DAAC

  • AVHRR Level-1B/1C Local Area Coverage Imagery

    Level-1B description This collection is composed of AVHRR L1B products (1.1 km) reprocessed from the NOAA POES and Metop AVHRR sensors data acquired at the University of Dundee and University of Bern ground stations and from the ESA and University of Bern data historical archive. The product format is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1B that combines the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream with ancillary information like Earth location and calibration data which can be applied by the user. Other appended parameters are time codes, quality indicators, solar and satellite angles and telemetry. Two data collections cover Europe and the neighbouring regions in the period of 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2020 and the acquired data in the context of the 1-KM project in the ‘90s. During the early 1990’s various groups, including the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Science Team and ESA concluded that a global land 1 KM AVHRR data set would have been crucial to study and develop algorithms for several land products for the Earth Observing System. USGS, NOAA, ESA and other non-U.S. AVHRR receiving stations endorsed the initiative to collect a global land 1-km multi-temporal AVHRR data set over all land surfaces using NOAA's TIROS "afternoon" polar-orbiting satellite. On 1 April 1992, the project officially began up to the end of 1999 with the utilisation of 23 stations worldwide plus the NOAA local area coverage (LAC) on-board recorders. The global land 1-km AVHRR dataset is composed of 5 channels, raw AVHRR dataset at 1.1 km resolution from the NOAA-11 and NOAA-14 satellites covering land surfaces, inland water and coastal areas. Level-1C Description This data collection consists of measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) at 1.1km full Local Area Coverage (LAC) resolution. It is based on the ESA AVHRR Level 1B European Data Set, a curated collection of AVHRR 1km data from 1981 to 2020 covering Europe, selected areas in Africa and the acquired data out-of-Europe in the context of the 1-KM project in the ‘90s (see the Level-1B description for details). The AVHRR LAC measurements were processed by the Remote Sensing Research Group of the University Bern, Switzerland. A landmark based navigation correction software adjusted time and satellite attitude to improve the georeferencing accuracy. The PyGAC software was used to convert the counts to reflectances for the visible and near-infrared channels 1, 2, 3A, and to brightness temperatures for the infrared channels 3B, 4, 5. The infrared calibration uses on-board calibration data and is satellite specific without cross-calibration between satellites. Due to the lack of on-board calibration data for the visible channels calculated coefficients from the CIMSS PATMOS-X project, version 2017r1, were used for the visible calibration aiming to minimize spectral differences among the various AVHRR sensors. The data format is NetCDF. The calibrated AVHRR data are accompanied by coordinates, satellite and solar angles, additional metadata, and basic quality indicators. The NOAA nomenclature is used for the data record labelling it as a set of AVHRR L1C data.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 35 -30 90 70

    ESA Short Name: AVHRRLocalAreaCoverageImagery10 Version ID: 6.0 Unique ID: C3325394521-ESA

  • CARVE Modeled Gross Ecosystem CO2 Exchange and Respiration, Alaska, 2012-2014

    This data set provides 3-hourly estimates of gross ecosystem CO2 exchange (GEE) and respiration (autotrophic and heterotrophic) for the state of Alaska from 2012 to 2014. The data were generated using the Polar Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (PolarVPRM) and are provided at ~ 1 km2 [1/4-degree (longitude) by 1/6-degree (latitude)] pixel resolution. The PolarVPRM produces high-frequency estimates of GEE of CO2 for North American biomes from remotely-sensed data sets. For Alaska, the model used meteorological inputs from the North American regional re-analysis (NARR) and inputs of fractional snow cover and land surface water index (LSWI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Land surface greenness was factored into the model from three sources: 1) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from MODIS; 2) Solar Induced Florescence (SIF) from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2); and 3) SIF from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment 2 (GOME-2). Three independent estimates of GEE are included in the data set, one for each source of greenness observations.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 55 -179 73 -134

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: Polar-VPRM_Alaskan-NEE_1314 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2236236883-ORNL_CLOUD

  • ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol_cci): Level 3 aerosol products from the Multi-Sensor UV Absorbing Aerosol Index (MS UVAI) algorithm, Version 1.7

    The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 3 Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) products, using the Multi-Sensor UVAI algorithm, Version 1.7. L3 products are provided as daily and monthly gridded products as well as a monthly climatology. For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 2e656d34d016414c8d6bced18634772c Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142580-FEDEO

  • ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 1.1

    This dataset contains various global lake products (1992-2019) produced by the European Space Agency (ESA) Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci) project. This is version 1.1 of the dataset.Lakes are of significant interest to the scientific community, local to national governments, industries and the wider public. A range of scientific disciplines including hydrology, limnology, climatology, biogeochemistry and geodesy are interested in distribution and functioning of the millions of lakes (from small ponds to inland seas), from the local to the global scale. Remote sensing provides an opportunity to extend the spatio-temporal scale of lake observation. The five thematic climate variables included in this dataset are:• Lake Water Level (LWL): a proxy fundamental to understand the balance between water inputs and water loss and their connection with regional and global climate changes.• Lake Water Extent (LWE): a proxy for change in glacial regions (lake expansion) and drought in many arid environments, water extent relates to local climate for the cooling effect that water bodies provide.• Lake Surface Water temperature (LSWT): correlated with regional air temperatures and a proxy for mixing regimes, driving biogeochemical cycling and seasonality. • Lake Ice Cover (LIC): freeze-up in autumn and advancing break-up in spring are proxies for gradually changing climate patterns and seasonality. • Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance (LWLR): a direct indicator of biogeochemical processes and habitats in the visible part of the water column (e.g. seasonal phytoplankton biomass fluctuations), and an indicator of the frequency of extreme events (peak terrestrial run-off, changing mixing conditions).Data generated in the Lakes_cci project are derived from data from multiple instruments and multiple satellites including; TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason, ENVISAT, SARAL, Sentinel, Landsat, ERS, Terra/Aqua, Suomi NPP, Metop and Orbview. For more information please see the product user guide in the documents.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: ef1627f523764eae8bbb6b81bf1f7a0a Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142828-FEDEO

  • ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): Level 3 Nadir Ozone Profile Merged Data Product, version 2

    This dataset contains Level 3 nadir profile ozone data from the ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The Level 3 data are monthly averages on a regular 3D grid derived from level 2 ozone profiles. In this version 2 of the dataset, data are available for 1997 and 2007 and 2008 only, and use data from the GOME instrument on ERS (1997) and the GOME-2 instrument on METOP-A (2007, 2008).

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 4eb4e801424a47f7b77434291921f889 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142678-FEDEO

  • ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): Level 3 Total Ozone Merged Data Product, version 01

    This dataset is a monthly mean gridded total ozone data record (level 3) produced by the ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative project (Ozone CCI). The dataset is a prototype of a merged harmonised ozone data record combining ozone data from the GOME instrument on ERS-2, the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT and the GOME-2 instrument on METOP-A, and covers the period between April 1996 to June 2011.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 0d2260ad4e2c42b6b14fe5b3308f5eaa Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548143081-FEDEO

  • ESA Sea Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (ESA SST CCI): Analysis long term product version 1.1

    The ESA Sea Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (ESA SST CCI) dataset accurately maps the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1991 to 2010, using observations from many satellites. The data provides an independently quantified SST to a quality suitable for climate research.The ESA SST CCI Analysis Long Term Product consists of daily, spatially complete fields of sea surface temperature (SST), obtained by combining the orbit data from the AVHRR and ATSR ESA SST CCI Long Term Products, using optimal interpolation to provide SSTs where there were no measurements. These data cover the period between 09/1991 and 12/2010.The Version 1.1 data is an update of the Version 1.0 dataset.Version 1.0 of this dataset is cited in: Merchant, C. J., Embury, O., Roberts-Jones, J., Fiedler, E., Bulgin, C. E., Corlett, G. K., Good, S., McLaren, A., Rayner, N., Morak-Bozzo, S. and Donlon, C. (2014), Sea surface temperature datasets for climate applications from Phase 1 of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (SST CCI). Geoscience Data Journal. doi: 10.1002/gdj3.20

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: c65ce27928f34ebd92224c451c2a8bed Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548143126-FEDEO

  • ESA Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative (Soil_Moisture_cci): ACTIVE Product, Version 05.2

    The Soil Moisture CCI ACTIVE dataset is one of the three datasets created as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Soil Moisture Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The product has been created by fusing scatterometer soil moisture products, derived from the instruments AMI-WS and ASCAT. PASSIVE and COMBINED products have also been created.The v05.2 ACTIVE product, provided as global daily images in NetCDF-4 classic file format, presents a global coverage of surface soil moisture at a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees. It is provided in percent of saturation [%] and covers the period (yyyy-mm-dd) 1991-08-05 to 2019-12-31. For information regarding the theoretical and algorithmic base of the product, please see the Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document. Other additional reference documents and information relating to the dataset can also be found on the CCI Soil Moisture project website.The data set should be cited using all three of the following references:1. Gruber, A., Scanlon, T., van der Schalie, R., Wagner, W., and Dorigo, W. (2019). Evolution of the ESA CCI Soil Moisture climate data records and their underlying merging methodology, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 717–739, Dorigo, W.A., Wagner, W., Albergel, C., Albrecht, F., Balsamo, G., Brocca, L., Chung, D., Ertl, M., Forkel, M., Gruber, A., Haas, E., Hamer, D. P. Hirschi, M., Ikonen, J., De Jeu, R. Kidd, R. Lahoz, W., Liu, Y.Y., Miralles, D., Lecomte, P. (2017). ESA CCI Soil Moisture for improved Earth system understanding: State-of-the art and future directions. In Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, ISSN 0034-4257, Gruber, A., Dorigo, W. A., Crow, W., Wagner W. (2017). Triple Collocation-Based Merging of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. PP. 1-13. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2734070

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: dd3da2570363429791b51120bdd29c02 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142649-FEDEO