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CARPE - JERS-1 SAR Global Rain Forest Mapping Project: Africa, 1996-1997
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214614124-SCIOPS.xmlDescription:Synthetic Aperture Radar images of West, Central and East Africa and Madagascar.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -35 -18 37.5 45SCIOPS Short Name: CARPE_jerscd Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214614124-SCIOPS
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JERS-1 OPS (Optical Sensor) Very Near Infrared Radiometer (VNIR) System Corrected Products level 1
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336918-ESA.xmlDescription:The JERS-1 Optical System (OPS) is composed of a Very Near Infrared Radiometer (VNIR) and a Short Wave Infrared Radiometer (SWIR). The instrument has 8 observable spectral bands from visible to short wave infrared. Data acquired by ESA ground stations The JERS-1 OPS products are available in GeoTIFF format. These products are available only for the VNIR sensor. All four bands are corrected. The correction consists in a vertical and horizontal destriping, the radiometry values are expanded from the range [0,63] to the range [0,255]. No geometrical correction is applied on level 1. The pixel size of approximately 18 x 24.2 metres for raw data is newly dimensioned to 18 x 18 metres for System Corrected data using a cubic convolution algorithm. Disclaimer: Cloud coverage for JERS OPS products has not been computed using an algorithm. The cloud cover assignment was performed manually by operators at the acquisition stations. Due to missing attitude information, the Nadir looking band (band 3) and the corresponding forward looking band (band 4) are not well coregistered, resulting in some accuracy limitations. The quality control was not performed systematically for each frame. A subset of the entire JERS Optical dataset was selected and manually checked. As a result of this, users may occasionally encounter issues with some of the individual products.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 95 90 -130ESA Short Name: JERS-1.OPS.SYC Version ID: 7.0 Unique ID: C1965336918-ESA
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JERS-1 SAR Level 1 Precision Image
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336919-ESA.xmlDescription:The JSA_PRI_1P product is comparable to the ESA PRI/IMP images generated for Envisat ASAR and ERS SAR instruments. It is a ground range projected detected image in zero-Doppler SAR coordinates, with a 12.5 metre pixel spacing. It has four overlapping looks in Doppler covering a total bandwidth of 1000Hz, with each look covering a 300Hz bandwidth. Sidelobe reduction is applied to achieve a nominal PSLR of less than -21dB. The image is not geocoded, and terrain distortion (foreshortening and layover) has not been removed. Data acquired by ESA ground stations.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -95 90 130ESA Short Name: JERS-1.SAR.PRI Version ID: 7.0 Unique ID: C1965336919-ESA
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JERS-1 SAR Level 1 Single Look Complex Image
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336920-ESA.xmlDescription:The JSA_SLC_1P product is comparable to the ESA SLC/IMS images generated for Envisat ASAR and ERS SAR instruments. It is a slant-range projected complex image in zero-Doppler SAR coordinates. The data is sampled in natural units of time in range and along track, with the range pixel spacing corresponding to the reciprocal of the platform ADC rate and the along track spacing to the reciprocal of the PRF. Data is processed to an unweighted Doppler bandwidth of 1000Hz, without sidelobe reduction. The product is suitable for interferometric, calibration and quality analysis applications. Data acquired by ESA ground stations
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -95 90 130ESA Short Name: JERS-1.SAR.SLC Version ID: 7.0 Unique ID: C1965336920-ESA
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JERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, 100-m Mosaics, South America: 1995-1996, R1
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2781648517-ORNL_CLOUD.xmlDescription:This data set provides ~100-m resolution image mosaics of South America acquired during the low flood season between September and December 1995 and during the high flood season between May and July of 1996. The images cover the same areas during both seasons and were obtained from the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite 1 (JERS-1) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) of the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). The data were mosaicked into 34 tiles for each season, each consisting of about 50 JERS-1 scenes. This data set constitutes the first-ever high-resolution and single season coverage of the entire Amazon River Basin, made possible by the cloud penetrating properties of the radar sensor. The images are from the original JERS-1 SAR Global Rain Forest Mapping Project. This data set contains 66 files in GeoTIFF (.tiff) format. There are 32 files for the low flood season and 34 files for the high flood season.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -20 -82 13 -48ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: JERS-1_SAR_GRFM_Amazon_Mosaics_1280 Version ID: 2 Unique ID: C2781648517-ORNL_CLOUD
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129429-JAXA.xmlDescription:JERS-1/SAR L0 SAR Data is obtained from the SAR sensor onboard JERS-1 and produced by National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).JERS-1 which mounts SAR is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on February 11, 1992. This dataset includes Unprocessed Signal Data Product Data. Data which has undergone absolutely no correction is recorded. Data required for higher level correction is ALOS recorded. It is same as the unprocessed data of other sensors prepared at the EOC. The provided format is CEOS.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180JAXA Short Name: JERS-1_SAR_L0_Data Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698129429-JAXA
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JERS-1/SAR L2.1 SAR Data
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130352-JAXA.xmlDescription:JERS-1/SAR L2.1 SAR Data is obtained from the SAR sensor onboard JERS-1 and produced by National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).JERS-1 is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on February 11, 1992, which mounts SAR. This dataset includes Standard Geocoded Image. After range and multi-look azimuth compression are performed, radiometric and geometric corrections are performed according to the map projection. The spacial resolution is 12.5m Map projection is UTM and PS. The provided format is CEOS.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180JAXA Short Name: JERS-1_SAR_L2.1_Data Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130352-JAXA
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JSRS-1/OPS L2 Short Wave Infrared Radiometer Data
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130110-JAXA.xmlDescription:JSRS-1/OPS L2 Short Wave Infrared Radiometer Data is obtained from the OPS sensor onboard JERS-1 and produced by National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).JERS-1, which mounts OPS is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on February 11, 1992. The dataset includes System Corrected Image Product. No radiometric correction is applied at the moment due to the lack of the calibration coefficients. Spatial Resolution is 18m x 24m. Map projection is UTM, SOM and PS. The provided format is CEOS.
Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180JAXA Short Name: JERS-1_OPS_L2_SWIR Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130110-JAXA
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