
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • PACE OCI Level-1B Science Data, version 2

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L1B_SCI Version ID: 2 Unique ID: C3026581092-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-1B Science Data, version 3

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L1B_SCI Version ID: 3 Unique ID: C3392966952-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-1C Science Data, version 2

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L1C_SCI Version ID: 2 Unique ID: C3026581150-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-1C Science Data, version 3

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L1C_SCI Version ID: 3 Unique ID: C3392966961-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Apparent Optical Properties - Near Real-time (NRT) Data, version 2.0

    The Ocean Biology DAAC produces near real-time (quicklook) products using the best-available combination of ancillary data from meteorological and ozone data. As such, the inputs and the calibration used are less than optimal. Quicklook products provide a snapshot of the data during a short time period within a single orbit.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_AOP_NRT Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C3020920190-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Apparent Optical Properties - Near Real-time (NRT) Data, version 3.0

    The Ocean Biology DAAC produces near real-time (quicklook) products using the best-available combination of ancillary data from meteorological and ozone data. As such, the inputs and the calibration used are less than optimal. Quicklook products provide a snapshot of the data during a short time period within a single orbit.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_AOP_NRT Version ID: 3.0 Unique ID: C3385049977-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Apparent Optical Properties Data, version 3.0

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_AOP Version ID: 3.0 Unique ID: C3385049983-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Biogeochemical Properties, Near Real-time (NRT) Data, version 2.0

    The Ocean Biology DAAC produces near real-time (quicklook) products using the best-available combination of ancillary data from meteorological and ozone data. As such, the inputs and the calibration used are less than optimal. Quicklook products provide a snapshot of the data during a short time period within a single orbit.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_BGC_NRT Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C3020920290-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Cloud Mask - Near Real-time (NRT) Data, version 3.0

    The Ocean Biology DAAC produces near real-time (quicklook) products using the best-available combination of ancillary data from meteorological and ozone data. As such, the inputs and the calibration used are less than optimal. Quicklook products provide a snapshot of the data during a short time period within a single orbit.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_CLOUD_MASK_NRT Version ID: 3.0 Unique ID: C3385050011-OB_CLOUD

  • PACE OCI Level-2 Regional Cloud Mask Data, version 3.0

    The primary sensor aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). It is a highly advanced optical spectrometer that will be used to measure properties of light over portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It will enable continuous measurement of light at finer wavelength resolution than previous NASA satellite sensors, extending key system ocean color data records for climate studies.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    OB_CLOUD Short Name: PACE_OCI_L2_CLOUD_MASK Version ID: 3.0 Unique ID: C3385050020-OB_CLOUD