
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • JSRS-1/OPS L2 Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer Data

    JSRS-1/OPS L2 Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer Data is obtained from the OPS sensor onboard JERS-1 and produced by National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).JERS-1, which mounts OPS is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on February 11, 1992. The dataset includes System Corrected Image Product. No radiometric correction is applied at the moment due to the lack of the calibration coefficients. Spatial Resolution is 18m x 24m. Map projection is UTM, SOM and PS. The provided format is CEOS.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: JERS-1_OPS_L2_VNIR Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698131100-JAXA

  • LBA-ECO LC-03 SAR Images, Land Cover, and Biomass, Four Areas across Brazilian Amazon

    This data set provides three related land cover products for four study areas across the Brazilian Amazon: Manaus, Amazonas; Tapajos National Forest, Para Western (Santarem); Rio Branco, Acre; and Rondonia, Rondonia. Products include (1) orthorectified JERS-1 and RadarSat images, (2) land cover classifications derived from the SAR data, and (3) biomass estimates in tons per hectare based on the land cover classification. There are 12 image files (.tif) with this data set.Orthorectified JERS-1 and RadarSat images are provided as GeoTIFF images - one file for each study area.For the Manaus and Tapajos sites: The images are orthorectified at 12.5-meter resolution and then re-sampled at 25-meter resolution.For the Rondonia and Rio Branco sites: The images from 1978 are orthorectified at 25-meter resolution and then re-sampled at 90-meter resolution. Each GeoTIFF file contains 3 image channels: - 2 L-band JERS-1 data in Fall and Spring seasons and - 1 C-band RadarSat data.Land cover classifications are based on two JERS-1 images and one RadarSat image and provided as GeoTIFFs - one file for each study area. Four major land cover classes are distinguished: (1) Flat surface; (2) Regrowth area; (3) Short vegetation; and (4) Tall vegetation. The biomass estimates in tons per hectare are based on the land cover classification results and are reported in one GeoTIFF file for each study area.DATA QUALITY STATEMENT: The Data Center has determined that there are questions about the quality of the data reported in this data set. The data set has missing or incomplete data, metadata, or other documentation that diminishes the usability of the products.KNOWN PROBLEMS: The data providers note that due to limited resources, these data have been neither validated nor quality-assured for general use. For that reason, extreme caution is advised when considering the use of these data.Any use of the derived data is not recommended because the results have not been validated. However, the DEM and vectors (related data set), and orthorectified SAR data can be used if the user understands how these were produced and accepts the limitations.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -10.5 -68.5 -2 -54.5

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: LC03_SAR_LC_Biomass_1093 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2780128555-ORNL_CLOUD

  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Monthly Mean Flooded Wetlands Habitat, Central Amazon Basin: 1979-1996

    This data set reports monthly mean inundation areas (square kilometers) for four cover classes of Central Amazon wetlands habitat: Open water (OW), river channel (RC) class, macrophyte (MA) class, and a flooded forest (FF) class, which also incorporates a flooded shrub class. The full study area was a 1.77 million km2 quadrant covering the Central Amazon Basin. Inundation was also calculated from three subsets of this area: (1) covering only the Amazon/Solimoes River mainstem and (2) the Eastern and (3) the Western halves of this mainstem area. There is one comma-delimited ASCII data file in this data set.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -8 -72 0 -54

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: LC07_Monthly_Inundated_Areas_1049 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2779737265-ORNL_CLOUD

  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Wetland Extent, Vegetation, and Inundation: Lowland Amazon Basin

    This data set provides a map of wetland extent, vegetation type, and dual-season flooding state of the entire lowland Amazon basin. As described in Hess et al. (2015), the classified image was derived from the Global Rain Forest Mapping Project (GRFM) Amazon mosaics (Rosenqvist et al 2000; Siqueira et al. 2002) acquired during Oct.-Nov. 1995 and May-June 1996, corresponding to the low-flood and high-flood seasons for much of the central Amazon. Hess et al. (2003) mapped wetland extent, vegetative cover, and flooding state for an 18 degree × 8 degree portion of the central Amazon using the dual-season GRFM mosaics. This study extends the previous wetlands mapping to report the first validated estimate of wetland extent, cover, and flooding for the lowland Amazon basin. A wetlands mask was created by segmentation of the mosaics and clustering of the resulting polygons; a rules set was then applied to classify wetland areas into five land cover classes and two flooding classes using dual-season backscattering values. The mapped wetland area of 8.4 × 105 km2 is equivalent to 14 % of the total basin area (5.83 × 106 km2) and 17% of the lowland basin (5.06 × 106 km2). The mapped flooding extent is representative of average high and low-flood conditions for latitudes north of 6 degrees S; flooding conditions were less well captured for the southern part of the basin. The wetlands map is provided in GeoTIFF format using two coordinate systems: unprojected (Geographic) with pixel size of 3 arcseconds, and Albers Conical Equal Area with pixel size of 100 m.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -21 -80 6 -50

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: LC07_Amazon_Wetlands_1284 Version ID: 2 Unique ID: C2781649041-ORNL_CLOUD

  • LBA-ECO LC-15 Aerodynamic Roughness Maps of Vegetation Canopies, Amazon Basin: 2000

    This data set provides physical roughness maps of vegetation canopies in the Amazon Basin. The images are estimates of aerodynamic roughness length (Z0) and zero plane displacement height (D0) at 1-km spatial resolution. The aerodynamic roughness length (Z0) is an important parameter to determine the vertical gradients of mean wind speed and the conditions for momentum transfer over a vegetated or bare rough surface.The maps were produced from a multivariate regression model algorithm developed from field-measured vegetation structure and remote-sensing data. The data input sources included Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) (Saatchi, 2013), JERS-1, MODIS, and field data from vegetation biomass plots over the Amazon basin, as well as tower-based wind profile measurements, and roughness parameters from LBA tower sites. There are two GeoTIFF (.tif) files with this data set.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -23.43 -82.72 13.86 -47.02

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: LC15_Roughness_Map_1182 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2781573934-ORNL_CLOUD

  • LBA-ECO LC-15 JERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1- km Mosaic, Amazon Basin: 1995-1996

    This data set contains two image mosaics of L-band radar backscatter and two image mosaics of first order texture. The two backscatter images are mosaics of L-band Radar Backscatter at Horizontal-Horizontal (HH) Polarization created from 1,500 images collected by the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) over the Amazon River Basin as part of the Global Rainforest Mapping Project (GRMP). These backscatter image mosaics were developed using data collected over 62 days from August to November of 1995 for the peak of the dry season and for 62 days from May to June of 1996 during the peak of the wet season. The two image mosaics are at 3 arc-sec resolution. Data provided under this project are resampled images at 30 arc-sec resolution (or about 1 km resolution). For each radar backscatter image, first order texture statistical information was derived and is distributed along with the image mosaic.This data set contains four images each in both geotiff and ENVI formats, provided in eight zip files. The four files in ENVI file format contain o_envi? in their file name and when extrapolated contain an envi image (*_envi.dat) and an envi image header file (_envi.hdr). The four files in geotiff format contain o_geotiff? in their file name and when extrapolated contain *.tif and *.tfw file pairs. See Section 2 for more information about the characteristics of these data files.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -23.43 -82.72 13.86 -47.02

    ORNL_CLOUD Short Name: LC15_GRFM_JERS1_Mosaic_1024 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C2777844591-ORNL_CLOUD

  • SAR images from ERS, JERS and RADARSAT processed at Tromso Satellite Station since 1993

    Tromso Satellite Station is equipped with one of the world's fastest processing and distribution system for ERS-1 SAR data. The ERS-1 SAR processor is based on a parallel processing concept and is developed and produced in Norway. A similar, but not as powerful, processor is used for JERS-1 SAR processing on a contract with ESA. The Norwegian developed broad band distribution system, NORSAT-B (2 Mb/s), gives TSS a unique and flexible distribution capacity for full resolution SAR images. TSS offers a SAR full resolution image, a SAR low resolution image, and a SAR low resolution calibrated image from the ERS-1 SAR sensor. These images cover areas of 100x100 km and are produced within 8 minutes after acquisition. In agreement with ESA/NASDA the same products based on the JERS-1 SAR sensor will be offered. The JERS-1 products cover an area of 75x75 km and are available approx. 20 minutes after data acquisition. Through the Norwegian national ERS-1 programme, the ERS-1 SAR data has been demonstrated to be most useful for several near real-time applications: * ice monitoring * ship detection * oil spill detection * weather and wave forecast * autumn ploughing TSS will continue the operations on the ERS-2 satellite when data from that satellite becomes available during Spring 1995. All ERS-1 SAR images processed are available for ordering from archive.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 50 -55 90 110

    SCIOPS Short Name: SAR_Images Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214607946-SCIOPS

  • Syowa JERS-1 OPS

    Optical Sensor (Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer: VNIR) data observed by JERS-1 acquired at Syowa Station, Antarctica

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -80 20 -65 55

    SCIOPS Short Name: JAPAN_ANT_0PS_JERS-1 Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214610452-SCIOPS

  • Syowa satellite SAR data

    Synthetic Aperture Radar data observed by JERS-1, ERS-1, ERS-2 acquired at Syowa Station, Antarctica

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -78 20 -65 80

    SCIOPS Short Name: JAPAN_ANT_SAR Version ID: Not provided Unique ID: C1214610471-SCIOPS