
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Above Ground Biomass and Vegetation Roughness Index

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Above Ground Biomass and Vegetation Roughness Index dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017, which mounts SGLI and conducts long-term global observations of geophysical variables related to the global climate system across 28 items including aerosol and vegetation over 4 areas of atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. The data will be used to contribute to higher accuracy of global warming prediction. The SGLI has swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products are defined to be products composed of physical quantity data that is calculated based on Level 1B products and meteorological data, as well as various additional data related to the physical quantity data. This dataset includes Above Ground Biomass (AGB), Vegetation Roughness Index (VRI) and quality flag (QA_Flag). AGB is the volume of aboveground biomass shown in dry weight and estimated using two sets of the red and near-infrared channel data observed from nadir and slant viewing direction by SGLI sensor. The physical quantity unit is t/ha. VRI is the index expressing 3D structural information of vegetation (the unevenness changes in spatial distribution of canopy density). It is related to both the area ratio of shadows produced by the vegetation canopy in the sensor's field of view and the vegetation coverage. It is a parameter for calculating AGB. The physical quantity unit is dimensionless. The QA_flag shows flag of quality and observation condition. The provided format is HDF5. The spatial resolution is 250 m. The projection method is EQA. The generation unit is Tile. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available, but please note that the QA_Flag data has been changed.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_AGB Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698129780-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 AeRosol properties using Numerical Prediction

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 AeRosol properties using Numerical Prediction dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The contents are listed in the following:AROT: Aerosol Optical Thickness over land and ocean at 500 nm (dimensionless).ARAE: Angstrom Exponent over land and ocean at 500 nm and 380 nm (dimensionless).ASSA: Single Scattering Albedo over land and ocean at 380 nm (dimensionless).AROT_uncertainty, AROT_uncertainty, AROT_uncertainty: The uncertainties of AROT, ARAE and ASSA, respectively (dimensionless).The utilized aerosol optical model for the retrieval is the same for both over land and ocean, and the coefficients are based on the skyradiometer observations. While the particle shapes, real parts of complex refraction indices, and size distributions of large and small particles are assumed to be fixed, the fraction of small particles and complex refraction indices (in terms of SSA) vary. The algorithm assumes reasonable aerosol parameters for the SGLI observations and derives the contents of this dataset.The provided format is HDF5. The spatial resolution is 1 km. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is "Tile". The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_ARNP Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698132339-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud flag Classification (1km)

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud Flag Classification (1km) dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The CLFG dataset includes Clear Confidence Level (0~1, 1 is clear), Cloud Inhomogeneity, phase, and the relevant information.The cloud/clear discrimination algorithm (CLAUDIA) and the cloud microphysical properties algorithm (CAPCOM) are utilized, and Nakajima et al. 2019 ( ) describe the methodologies in detail.The provided format is HDF5. The spatial resolution is 1 km. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is "Tile". The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_CLFG_1km Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130267-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud flag Classification (250m)

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud Flag Classification (250m) dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The CLFG dataset includes Clear Confidence Level (0~1, 1 is clear), Cloud Inhomogeneity, phase, and the relevant information.The cloud/clear discrimination algorithm (CLAUDIA) and the cloud microphysical properties algorithm (CAPCOM) are utilized, and Nakajima et al. 2019 ( ) describe the methodologies in detail.The provided format is HDF5. The spatial resolution is 250m . The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is "Tile". The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_CLFG_250m Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130095-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud properties

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Cloud properties dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The contents are listed in the following:CLOT_W and CLOR_W: Optical thickness (unitless) and effective radius of water cloud droplets (mm), respectively.CLOT_I are CLER_I: Optical thickness (unitless) and effective radius of ice cloud droplets (mm), respectively.CLTT and CLTH: Temperature and Height of the cloud top layer (kelvin and km), respectively.CLTYPE: Cloud discrimination flag including the classification of cloud type and phase (unitless)The cloud properties are retrieved with the Comprehensive Analysis Program for Cloud Optical Measurements (CAPCOM), initially developed for the GLI mission. The current algorithm is optimized for the SGLI characteristics and uses L2 Cloud flag classification.The provided format is HDF5. The spatial resolution is 1 km. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is Tile. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_CLPR Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698129304-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global-AeRosol properties using Numerical Prediction

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global-AeRosol properties using Numerical Prediction dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The contents are listed in the following:AROT: Aerosol Optical Thickness over land and ocean at 500 nm (dimensionless).ARAE: Angstrom Exponent over land and ocean at 500 nm and 380 nm (dimensionless).ASSA: Single Scattering Albedo over land and ocean at 380 nm (dimensionless).AROT_uncertainty, AROT_uncertainty, AROT_uncertainty: The uncertainties of AROT, ARAE and ASSA, respectively (dimensionless).The utilized aerosol optical model for the retrieval is the same for both over land and ocean, and the coefficients are based on the skyradiometer observations. While the particle shapes, real parts of complex refraction indices, and size distributions of large and small particles are assumed to be fixed, the fraction of small particles and complex refraction indices (in terms of SSA) vary. The algorithm assumes reasonable aerosol parameters for the SGLI observations and derives the contents of this dataset.The provided format is HDF5. The spatial and temporal resolutions are 1/24 deg and daily, respectively. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is Global. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available, note that the QA_Flag data has been updated.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_global-ARNP Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698132167-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global-TOA radiance

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global Top of atmosphere radiance is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data.The contents are each band's Top of atmosphere radiance (W/m^2/str/mm) and Land water flag.This product is generated from the Level1B (1 km) daily products. The provided format is HDF5. The spatial and temporal resolutions is are 1/24 degree and daily, respectively. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is Global. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_global-LCLR Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130163-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global-TOA radiance (clear sky)

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 Global Top of atmosphere radiance (clear sky) is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is a Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017. It mounts SGLI sensor to observe long-term geophysical conditions based on 28 variables, including aerosol and vegetation, out of four Earth subsystems: atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. These data are helpful to improve the global warming prediction accuracy. The SGLI has a swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products consist of derived physical variables based on Level 1B products, such as meteorological data. The contents are each band's Top of atmosphere radiance (W/m^2/str/mm) and Land water flag. TOA radiances are initially derived from daily 1-km resolution TOA radiance and cloud flag products, which spatial coverage is Tile. Consequently, this product is generated from the clear (cloud-free) pixels. The provided format is HDF5. The spatial and temporal resolutions are 1/24 deg and daily, respectively. The projection method is EQA. The spatial coverage is Global. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_global-LTOA Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698128886-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 In-water properties (Chl-a TSM CDOM) (1km)

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 In-water properties (Chl-a TSM CDOM) (1km) dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit sattelite launched on December 23, 2017, which mounts SGLI and conducts long-term global observations of geophysical variables related to the global climate system across 28 items including aerosol and vegetation over 4 areas of atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. The data will be used to contribute to higher accuracy of global warming prediction. The SGLI has swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products are defined to be products composed of physical quantity data that is calculated based on Level 1B products and meteorological data, as well as various additional data related to the physical quantity data.This dataset includes Chlorophyll-a concentration (CHLA), Total suspended matter concentration (TSM) and Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM).CHLA is the concentration of the green pigment in phytoplankton in sea surface level. The physical quantity unit is mg/m^3.TSM is the dry weight of suspended matter in a unit volume of surface water which is the sum of organic such as phytoplankton and inorganic such as soil. The physical quantity unit is g/m^3.CDOM is the light absorption coefficient of organics dissolved in surface water at 412 nm. The physical quantity unit is m-1.The product also includes QA_Flag data with the same spatial resolution as the auxiliary data. The provided format is HDF5. The Spatial resolution is 250 m. The projection method is L1B reference coordinates. The generation unit is Scene. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available, but please note that the "QA_Flag" data has been changed.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_IWPR_1km Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130541-JAXA

  • GCOM-C/SGLI L2 In-water properties (Chl-a TSM CDOM) (250m)

    GCOM-C/SGLI L2 In-water properties (Chl-a TSM CDOM) (250m) dataset is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit sattelite launched on December 23, 2017, which mounts SGLI and conducts long-term global observations of geophysical variables related to the global climate system across 28 items including aerosol and vegetation over 4 areas of atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. The data will be used to contribute to higher accuracy of global warming prediction. The SGLI has swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 2 products are defined to be products composed of physical quantity data that is calculated based on Level 1B products and meteorological data, as well as various additional data related to the physical quantity data.This dataset includes Chlorophyll-a concentration (CHLA), Total suspended matter concentration (TSM) and Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM).CHLA data is the concentration of the green pigment in phytoplankton in sea surface level. The physical quantity unit is mg/m^3.TSM data is the dry weight of suspended matter in a unit volume of surface water which is the sum of organic such as phytoplankton and inorganic such as soil. The physical quantity unit is g/m^3.CDOM data is the light absorption coefficient of organics dissolved in surface water at 412 nm. The physical quantity unit is m-1.The product also includes QA_Flag data with the same spatial resolution as the auxiliary data. The provided format is HDF5. The Spatial resolution is 250 m. The projection method is L1B reference coordinates. The generation unit is Scene. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available, but please note that the "QA_Flag" data has been changed.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    JAXA Short Name: GCOM-C_SGLI_L2_IWPR_250m Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2698130473-JAXA