
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • GEOS-5 FP-IT 3D Time-Averaged Single-Level Diagnostics Geo-Colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24km V4 (OMVFPSLV) at GES DISC

    The GEOS-5 FP-IT 3D Time-Averaged Single-Level Diagnostics Geo-Colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24km (OMVFPSLV) provides selected parameters from GEOS-5 Forward Processing for Instrument Teams (FP-IT) assimilated product produced by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) co-located in space and time with the OMI UV-2 swath. The fields in this product include boundary layer top pressure, tropopause pressure, surface pressure, surface skin temperature, and vertical wind profiles at 10m. The OMI team also provides a corresponding product for the OMI UV2 swath, OMUFPSLV. The product has been generated for convenient use by the OMI/Aura team in their L2 algorithms, and for research where those L2 products are used. The original GEOS-5 FP-IT data are reported on a 0.625 deg longitude by 0.5 deg latitude grid, whereas the OMI UV-2 spatial resolution is 13km x 24km at nadir. The OMVFPSLV files are in netCDF4 format which is compatible with most netCDF and HDF5 readers and tools. Each file is approximately 45mb in size. The lead for this product is Zachary Fasnacht of SSAI. Joanna Joiner is the responsible NASA official.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: OMVFPSLV Version ID: 004 Unique ID: C2556151525-GES_DISC

  • GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura UV-2 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km V3 (OMUFPITMET) at GES DISC

    The GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura UV-2 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km (OMUFPITMET) provides selected parameters from GEOS-5 Forward Processing for Instrument Teams (FP-IT) assimilated product produced by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) co-located in space and time with the OMI UV-2 swath. The fields in this product include surface pressure, vertical temperature profiles, surface and vertical wind profiles, tropopause pressure, boundary layer top pressure, and surface geopotenial. The OMI team also provides a corresponding product for the OMI VIS swath, OMVFPITMET. The product has been generated for convenient use by the OMI/Aura team in their L2 algorithms, and for research where those L2 products are used. The original GEOS-5 FP-IT data are reported on a 0.625 deg longitude by 0.5 deg latitude grid, whereas the OMI UV-2 spatial resolution is 13km x 24km at nadir. To reduce the size of each orbital file, FP-IT data fields with a vertical dimension of 72 layers have been reduced to 47 layers in OMUFPITMET by combining layers above the troposphere. The OMUFPITMET files are in netCDF4 format which is compatible with most HDF5 readers and tools. Each file is approximately 45mb in size. The lead for this product is Zachary Fasnacht of SSAI. Joanna Joiner is the responsible NASA official.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: OMUFPITMET Version ID: 003 Unique ID: C1561222825-GES_DISC

  • GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km V3 (OMVFPITMET) at GES DISC

    The GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km (OMVFPITMET) provides selected parameters from GEOS-5 Forward Processing for Instrument Teams (FP-IT) assimilated product produced by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) co-located in space and time with the OMI VIS swath. The fields in this product include surface pressure, vertical temperature profiles, surface and vertical wind profiles, tropopause pressure, boundary layer top pressure, and surface geopotenial. The OMI team also provides a corresponding product for the OMI UV-2 swath, OMUFPITMET. The product has been generated for convenient use by the OMI/Aura team in their L2 algorithms, and for research where those L2 products are used. The original GEOS-5 FP-IT data are reported on a 0.625 deg longitude by 0.5 deg latitude grid, whereas the OMI VIS spatial resolution is 13km x 24km at nadir. To reduce the size of each orbital file, FP-IT data fields with a vertical dimension of 72 layers have been reduced to 47 layers in OMVFPITMET by combining layers above the troposphere. The OMVFPITMET files are in netCDF4 format which is compatible with most HDF5 readers and tools. Each file is approximately 45mb in size. The lead for this product is Zachary Fasnacht of SSAI. Joanna Joiner is the responsible NASA official.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: OMVFPITMET Version ID: 003 Unique ID: C1561222826-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Merged Hydrogen Chloride 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozMmlpHCl) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Merged Data for Hydrogen Chloride 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozMmlpHCl) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging. The merged HCl data are from the following satellite instruments: HALOE (v19; 1991 - 2005), ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for HCl is from 147 to 0.5 hPa. The input source data used to create this merged product are contained in a separate data product with the short name GozSmlpHCl. The GozMmlpHCl merged data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozMmlpHCl Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051227-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Merged Nitric Acid 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozMmlpHNO3) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Merged Data for Nitric Acid 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozMmlpHNO3) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging. The merged HNO3 data are from the following satellite instruments: UARS MLS (v6; 1991 - 1997), ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for HNO3 is from 147 to 1 hPa. The input source data used to create this merged product are contained in a separate data product with the short name GozSmlpHNO3. The GozMmlpHNO3 merged data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozMmlpHNO3 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051235-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Merged Nitrous Oxide 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozMmlpN2O) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Merged Data for Nitrous Oxide 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozMmlpN2O) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging. The merged N2O data are from the following satellite instruments: ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for N2O is from 147 to 0.5 hPa. The input source data used to create this merged product are contained in a separate data product with the short name GozSmlpN2O. The GozMmlpN2O merged data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozMmlpN2O Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051239-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Merged Ozone 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozMmlpO3) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Merged Data for Ozone 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozMmlpO3) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging. The merged O3 data are from the following satellite instruments: SAGE I (v5.9_rev; 1979-1981), SAGE II (v6.2; 1984-2005), HALOE (v19; 1991-2005), UARS MLS (v5; 1991-1997), ACE-FTS (v2.2; 2004-onward), Aura MLS (v2.2; 2004 onward) others as validation (e.g., SAGE III, v4.0; 2002-2005). The vertical pressure range for O3 is from 147 to 0.5 hPa. The input source data used to create this merged product are contained in a separate data product with the short name GozSmlpO3. The GozMmlpO3 merged data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozMmlpO3 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051291-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Merged Water Vapor 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozMmlpH2O) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Merged Data for Water Vapor 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozMmlpH2O) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging. The merged H2O data are from the following satellite instruments: HALOE (v19; 1991 - 2005), ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for H2O is from 147 to 0.01 hPa. The input source data used to create this merged product are contained in a separate data product with the short name GozSmlpH2O. The GozMmlpH2O merged data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozMmlpH2O Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051158-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Source Hydrogen Chloride 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozSmlpHCl) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Source Data for Hydrogen Chloride 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozSmlpHCl) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated from original Level 2 satellite instruments and products. The source HCl data are from the following satellite instruments: HALOE (v19; 1991 - 2005), ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for HCl is from 147 to 0.5 hPa. The source data are used to create a merged product contained in a separate data product with the short name GozMmlpHCl. The GozSmlpHCl source data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozSmlpHCl Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051321-GES_DISC

  • GOZCARDS Source Nitric Acid 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Means on a Vertical Pressure Grid V1 (GozSmlpHNO3) at GES DISC

    The GOZCARDS Source Data for Nitric Acid 1 month L3 10 degree Zonal Averages on a Vertical Pressure Grid product (GozSmlpHNO3) contains zonal means and related information (standard deviation, minimum/maximum value, etc.), calculated from original Level 2 satellite instruments and products. The source HNO3 data are from the following satellite instruments: UARS MLS (v6; 1991 - 1997), ACE-FTS (v2.2u; 2004 - onward), and Aura MLS (v3.3; 2004 - onward). The vertical pressure range for HNO3 is from 147 to 1 hPa. source data are used to create a merged product contained in a separate data product with the short name GozMmlpHNO3. The GozSmlpHNO3 source data are distributed in netCDF4 format.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    GES_DISC Short Name: GozSmlpHNO3 Version ID: 1 Unique ID: C1251051329-GES_DISC