
Using the NASA EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository

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  • Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution for 2019-09-18 (NCEI Accession 0213517)

    CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.0625 deg. x 0.0625 deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the CMEMS sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black sea.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 38.75 26.375 48.8125 42.375

    NOAA_NCEI Short Name: gov.noaa.nodc:0213517 Version ID: Not Applicable Unique ID: C2089376602-NOAA_NCEI

  • ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 1.0

    This dataset contains various global lake products (1992-2019) produced by the European Space Agency (ESA) Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci) project.Lakes are of significant interest to the scientific community, local to national governments, industries and the wider public. A range of scientific disciplines including hydrology, limnology, climatology, biogeochemistry and geodesy are interested in distribution and functioning of the millions of lakes (from small ponds to inland seas), from the local to the global scale. Remote sensing provides an opportunity to extend the spatio-temporal scale of lake observation. The five thematic climate variables included in this dataset are:• Lake Water Level (LWL): a proxy fundamental to understand the balance between water inputs and water loss and their connection with regional and global climate changes.• Lake Water Extent (LWE): a proxy for change in glacial regions (lake expansion) and drought in many arid environments, water extent relates to local climate for the cooling effect that water bodies provide.• Lake Surface Water temperature (LSWT): correlated with regional air temperatures and a proxy for mixing regimes, driving biogeochemical cycling and seasonality. • Lake Ice Cover (LIC): freeze-up in autumn and advancing break-up in spring are proxies for gradually changing climate patterns and seasonality. • Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance (LWLR): a direct indicator of biogeochemical processes and habitats in the visible part of the water column (e.g. seasonal phytoplankton biomass fluctuations), and an indicator of the frequency of extreme events (peak terrestrial run-off, changing mixing conditions).Data generated in the Lakes_cci project are derived from data from multiple instruments and multiple satellites including; TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason, ENVISAT, SARAL, Sentinel, Landsat, ERS, Terra/Aqua, Suomi NPP, Metop and Orbview. For more information please see the product user guide in the documents.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 3c324bb4ee394d0d876fe2e1db217378 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142668-FEDEO

  • ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 1.1

    This dataset contains various global lake products (1992-2019) produced by the European Space Agency (ESA) Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci) project. This is version 1.1 of the dataset.Lakes are of significant interest to the scientific community, local to national governments, industries and the wider public. A range of scientific disciplines including hydrology, limnology, climatology, biogeochemistry and geodesy are interested in distribution and functioning of the millions of lakes (from small ponds to inland seas), from the local to the global scale. Remote sensing provides an opportunity to extend the spatio-temporal scale of lake observation. The five thematic climate variables included in this dataset are:• Lake Water Level (LWL): a proxy fundamental to understand the balance between water inputs and water loss and their connection with regional and global climate changes.• Lake Water Extent (LWE): a proxy for change in glacial regions (lake expansion) and drought in many arid environments, water extent relates to local climate for the cooling effect that water bodies provide.• Lake Surface Water temperature (LSWT): correlated with regional air temperatures and a proxy for mixing regimes, driving biogeochemical cycling and seasonality. • Lake Ice Cover (LIC): freeze-up in autumn and advancing break-up in spring are proxies for gradually changing climate patterns and seasonality. • Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance (LWLR): a direct indicator of biogeochemical processes and habitats in the visible part of the water column (e.g. seasonal phytoplankton biomass fluctuations), and an indicator of the frequency of extreme events (peak terrestrial run-off, changing mixing conditions).Data generated in the Lakes_cci project are derived from data from multiple instruments and multiple satellites including; TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason, ENVISAT, SARAL, Sentinel, Landsat, ERS, Terra/Aqua, Suomi NPP, Metop and Orbview. For more information please see the product user guide in the documents.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: ef1627f523764eae8bbb6b81bf1f7a0a Version ID: NA Unique ID: C2548142828-FEDEO

  • ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land surface temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3A, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2016-2020), version 3.00

    This dataset contains land surface temperatures (LSTs) and their uncertainty estimates from the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel 3A. Satellite land surface temperatures are skin temperatures, which means, for example, the temperature of the ground surface in bare soil areas, the temperature of the canopy over forests, and a mix of the soil and leaf temperature over sparse vegetation. The skin temperature is an important variable when considering surface fluxes of, for instance, heat and water.Daytime and night-time temperatures are provided in separate files corresponding to the morning and evening Sentinel-3A equator crossing times which are 10:00 and 22:00 local solar time. Per pixel uncertainty estimates are given in two forms, first, an estimate of the total uncertainty for the pixel and second, a breakdown of the uncertainty into components by correlation length. Also provided in the files, on a per pixel basis, are the observation time, the satellite viewing and solar geometry angles, a quality flag, and land cover class.The dataset coverage is global over the land surface. LSTs are provided on a global equal angle grid at a resolution of 0.01° longitude and 0.01° latitude. SLSTRA achieves full Earth coverage in 1 day so the daily files have gaps where the surface is not covered by the satellite swath during day or night on that day. Furthermore, LSTs are not produced where clouds are present since under these circumstances the IR radiometer observes the cloud top which is usually much colder than the surface.Dataset coverage starts on 1st May 2016 and ends on 31st December 2020. There are minor interruptions (1-10 days) during satellite/instrument maintenance periods or instrument anomalies.The dataset was produced by the University of Leicester (UoL) and LSTs were retrieved using the (UoL) LST retrieval algorithm and data were processed in the UoL processing chain.The dataset was produced as part of the ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative which strives to improve satellite datasets to Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) standards.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 330b7c922a37420fabb3425671d7d7c6 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3327360235-FEDEO

  • ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Land Surface Temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3B, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2018-2020), version 3.00

    This dataset contains land surface temperatures (LSTs) and their uncertainty estimates from the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel 3B. Satellite land surface temperatures are skin temperatures, which means, for example, the temperature of the ground surface in bare soil areas, the temperature of the canopy over forests, and a mix of the soil and leaf temperature over sparse vegetation. The skin temperature is an important variable when considering surface fluxes of, for instance, heat and water.Daytime and night-time temperatures are provided in separate files corresponding to the morning and evening Sentinel 3B equator crossing times which are 10:00 and 22:00 local solar time. Per pixel uncertainty estimates are given in two forms, first, an estimate of the total uncertainty for the pixel and second, a breakdown of the uncertainty into components by correlation length. Also provided in the files, on a per pixel basis, are the observation time, the satellite viewing and solar geometry angles, a quality flag, and land cover class.The dataset coverage is global over the land surface. LSTs are provided on a global equal angle grid at a resolution of 0.01° longitude and 0.01° latitude. SLSTRB achieves full Earth coverage in 1 day so the daily files have gaps where the surface is not covered by the satellite swath during day or night on that day. Furthermore, LSTs are not produced where clouds are present since under these circumstances the IR radiometer observes the cloud top which is usually much colder than the surface.Dataset coverage starts on 17th November 2018 and ends on 31st December 2020. There are minor interruptions (1-10 days) during satellite/instrument maintenance periods or instrument anomalies.The dataset was produced by the University of Leicester (UoL) and LSTs were retrieved using the (UoL) LST retrieval algorithm and data were processed in the UoL processing chain.The dataset was produced as part of the ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative which strives to improve satellite datasets to Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) standards.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: 5f66a881adf846bfaad58b0e6068f0ea Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3327360139-FEDEO

  • ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Monthly land surface temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3A, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2016-2020), version 3.00

    This dataset contains monthly-averaged land surface temperatures (LSTs) and their uncertainty estimates from the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel 3A. Satellite land surface temperatures are skin temperatures, which means, for example, the temperature of the ground surface in bare soil areas, the temperature of the canopy over forests, and a mix of the soil and leaf temperature over sparse vegetation. The skin temperature is an important variable when considering surface fluxes of, for instance, heat and water.Daytime and night-time temperatures are provided in separate files corresponding to the morning and evening Sentinel-3A equator crossing times which are 10:00 and 22:00 local solar time. Per pixel uncertainty estimates are given in two forms, first, an estimate of the total uncertainty for the pixel and second, a breakdown of the uncertainty into components by correlation length. Also provided in the files, on a per pixel basis, are the observation time, the satellite viewing and solar geometry angles, a quality flag, and land cover class.The dataset coverage is global over the land surface. LSTs are provided on a global equal angle grid at a resolution of 0.01° longitude and 0.01° latitude. SLSTRA achieves full Earth coverage in 1 day so the daily files have gaps where the surface is not covered by the satellite swath during day or night on that day. Furthermore, LSTs are not produced where clouds are present since under these circumstances the IR radiometer observes the cloud top which is usually much colder than the surface.Dataset coverage starts on 1st May 2016 and ends on 31st December 2020. There are minor interruptions (1-10 days) during satellite/instrument maintenance periods or instrument anomalies.The dataset was produced by the University of Leicester (UoL) and LSTs were retrieved using the (UoL) LST retrieval algorithm and data were processed in the UoL processing chain.The dataset was produced as part of the ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative which strives to improve satellite datasets to Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) standards.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: aa8268e2ca0e48d98aee372795722253 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3327359664-FEDEO

  • ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Monthly land surface temperature from SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) on Sentinel 3B, level 3 collated (L3C) global product (2018-2020), version 3.00

    This dataset contains monthly-averaged land surface temperatures (LSTs) and their uncertainty estimates from the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel 3B. Satellite land surface temperatures are skin temperatures, which means, for example, the temperature of the ground surface in bare soil areas, the temperature of the canopy over forests, and a mix of the soil and leaf temperature over sparse vegetation. The skin temperature is an important variable when considering surface fluxes of, for instance, heat and water.Daytime and night-time temperatures are provided in separate files corresponding to the morning and evening Sentinel 3B equator crossing times which are 10:00 and 22:00 local solar time. Per pixel uncertainty estimates are given in two forms, first, an estimate of the total uncertainty for the pixel and second, a breakdown of the uncertainty into components by correlation length. Also provided in the files, on a per pixel basis, are the observation time, the satellite viewing and solar geometry angles, a quality flag, and land cover class.The dataset coverage is global over the land surface. LSTs are provided on a global equal angle grid at a resolution of 0.01° longitude and 0.01° latitude. SLSTRB achieves full Earth coverage in 1 day so the daily files have gaps where the surface is not covered by the satellite swath during day or night on that day. Furthermore, LSTs are not produced where clouds are present since under these circumstances the IR radiometer observes the cloud top which is usually much colder than the surface.Dataset coverage runs from December 2018 to December 2020. There are minor interruptions (1-10 days) during satellite/instrument maintenance periods or instrument anomalies.The dataset was produced by the University of Leicester (UoL) and LSTs were retrieved using the (UoL) LST retrieval algorithm and data were processed in the UoL processing chain.The dataset was produced as part of the ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative which strives to improve satellite datasets to Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) standards.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    FEDEO Short Name: b54d5f1c08594879a05929ce09951c56 Version ID: NA Unique ID: C3327358997-FEDEO

  • Forecast products and associated satellite imagery from Lake Erie created by the NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System (HAB-OFS) from 2017-06-25 to the present

    This collection contains inputs to, and outputs from the NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System (HAB-OFS) in the form of bulletin documents and processed satellite imagery in GeoTIFF format, beginning on 2017-06-25. The HAB-OFS is operated by the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services to produce forecast bulletins for cyanobacteria blooms (blue-green algae) in Lake Erie. The bulletins contain an analysis of the location of cyanobacteria blooms, as well as 3-day forecasts of transport, mixing, scum formation and bloom decline based on the analysis of information from data providers. The bulletins are emailed to subscribers twice weekly during an active bloom. Each year, NCEI creates a new accession containing the data collected during the previous 12 months.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: 40.93 -92.74 49.47 -74.52

    NOAA_NCEI Short Name: gov.noaa.nodc:NOS-HABOFS-LakeErie Version ID: Not Applicable Unique ID: C2089393123-NOAA_NCEI

  • GHRSST Level 4 OSTIA Global Historical Reprocessed Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis produced by the UK Meteorological Office

    The Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis Reprocessed (OSTIA-REP) is a GHRSST reprocessed Level-4 sea surface temperature and ice-concentration analysis produced by the UK Met Office (UKMO) using optimal interpolation (OI) on a global 0.05 degree grid. It is a sister product of the Near Real Time version (OSTIA-NRT), but incorporates satellite data from over 25 different SST sensors as well as in situ data from drifting and moored buoys. The OSTIA-REP is produced on a biannual frequency when more satellite and climatology observations are available from existing geostationary IR, and polar orbiting IR and MW satellites in addition to the data used in OSTIA-NRT. <br><br> While OSTIA-NRT is produced to mainly serve as a lower boundary condition in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, this OSTIA-REP aims to provide a more accurate and consistent record of SST measurements over time, which is crucial for detecting long-term climate trends and variability. Both versions follow GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2 format guidelines.<br><br> Data to June 2022 are also distributed through the E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information (, DOI: with the following license). Please refer to the user guide for more information.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180

    POCLOUD Short Name: OSTIA-UKMO-L4-GLOB-REP-v2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2586786218-POCLOUD

  • Global stacked sea surface height profiles from Sentinel-3A Psuedo-Low Rate Mode (PLRM) satellite altimeter data (NCEI Accession 0219901)

    NetCDF file contains longitude, latitude, number of cycles, sigma, and stacked sea surface height records for 770 Sentinel-3A Psuedo-Low Rate Mode (PLRM) satellite altimeter passes. Repeat cycles were aligned to a common position along a synthetic track having 20239 records between +/-81.419 latitude. Stacking is the median sea surface height profile from multiple repeat cycles. Sigma is the expected one sigma error in a single measurement. The number of cycles is the quantity that passed selection criteria and were included in a stack. Repeat cycles 1 to 56 were used.

    Links: Temporal Extent: Spatial Extent:
    Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -81.419 -180 81.419 180

    NOAA_NCEI Short Name: 10.25921/m0hw-a781 Version ID: Not Applicable Unique ID: C2089377324-NOAA_NCEI