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SWOT Level 1 Onboard Tracking Data from Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS)
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2296989333-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:Tracking data measurements from the Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) payload receiver onboard SWOT. The tracking data are generated using signals from DORIS ground beacons and are used to perform precise orbit determination of the SWOT spacecraft. They are also used to compute the precise orbit ephemeris (POE), and the medium-accuracy orbit ephemeris (MOE) used for SWOT data processing. Distributed as one file per day in RINEX file format, available with latency of < 2 days.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1_DORIS_RINEX_1.0 Version ID: 1.0 Unique ID: C2296989333-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1 Onboard Tracking Data from Global Positioning System Payload (GPSP)
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2296989336-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:GPS tracking data measurements from the GPS Payload (GPSP) receiver onboard SWOT. The tracking data are generated by the GPSP using signals from the GPS constellation of satellites and are used to perform precise orbit determination of the SWOT spacecraft. They are also used to compute the precise orbit ephemeris (POE), and the medium-accuracy orbit ephemeris (MOE) used for SWOT data processing. Distributed as one RINEX file per data downlink regardless of temporal coverage, available with latency of < 2 days.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1_GPSP_RINEX_1.0 Version ID: 1.0 Unique ID: C2296989336-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1B High-Rate Single-look Complex Data Product, Version 1.1
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2758162616-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:High rate data processed to single-look complex SAR images for each antenna. Gridded tile (approx 64x64 km2); half swath (left or right side of full swath). Available in netCDF-4 file format.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1B_HR_SLC_1.1 Version ID: 1.1 Unique ID: C2758162616-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1B High-Rate Single-look Complex Data Product, Version C
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2799438119-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:High rate data processed to single-look complex SAR images for each antenna. Gridded tile (approx 64x64 km2); half swath (left or right side of full swath). Available in netCDF-4 file format.<br> Please note that this collection contains SWOT Version C science data products.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1B_HR_SLC_2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2799438119-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1B Low-Rate Interferogram Data Product, Version 1.0
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2296989340-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:Interferograms for each of the 9 Doppler beams formed and spatially averaged (low rate) by the On Board Processor, corrected on the ground for phase biases (inherent to the processing applied on board). The geometry of the measurements is also reported for use in subsequent processing. Gridded; full swath for each half orbit. Available in netCDF-4 file format.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1B_LR_INTF_1.0 Version ID: 1.0 Unique ID: C2296989340-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1B Low-Rate Interferogram Data Product, Version 1.1
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2746459618-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:Interferograms for each of the 9 Doppler beams formed and spatially averaged (low rate) by the On Board Processor, corrected on the ground for phase biases (inherent to the processing applied on board). The geometry of the measurements is also reported for use in subsequent processing. Gridded; full swath for each half orbit. Available in netCDF-4 file format.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1B_LR_INTF_1.1 Version ID: 1.1 Unique ID: C2746459618-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 1B Low-Rate Interferogram Data Product, Version C
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2799438202-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:Interferograms for each of the 9 Doppler beams formed and spatially averaged (low rate) by the On Board Processor, corrected on the ground for phase biases (inherent to the processing applied on board). The geometry of the measurements is also reported for use in subsequent processing. Gridded; full swath for each half orbit. Available in netCDF-4 file format.<br> Please note that this collection contains SWOT Version C science data products.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L1B_LR_INTF_2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2799438202-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Data Product - Basic, Version C
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2799465428-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:The SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Basic Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides global sea surface height and significant wave height observations derived from low rate (LR) measurements from the Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn). SWOT launched on December 16, 2022 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California into a 1-day repeat orbit for the "calibration" or "fast-sampling" phase of the mission, which completed in early July 2023. After the calibration phase, SWOT entered a 21-day repeat orbit in August 2023 to start the "science" phase of the mission, which is expected to continue through 2025. <br> The L2 sea surface height data product is distributed in one netCDF-4 file per pass (half-orbit) covering the full KaRIn swath width, which spans 10-60km on each side of the nadir track. Sea surface height, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, significant waveheight, and related parameters are provided on a geographically fixed, swath-aligned 2x2 km2 grid (Basic, Expert, Windwave). The sea surface height data are also provided on a finer 250x250 m2 "native" grid with minimal smoothing applied (Unsmoothed).<br> Please note that this collection contains SWOT Version C science data products. <br> This collection is a sub-collection of its parent: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_2.0 It provides the "Basic" file from each L2 SSH product, which contains a limited set of variables and is aimed at the general user.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_BASIC_2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2799465428-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Data Product - Expert, Version C
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2799465497-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:The SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Expert Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides global sea surface height and significant wave height observations derived from low rate (LR) measurements from the Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn). SWOT launched on December 16, 2022 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California into a 1-day repeat orbit for the "calibration" or "fast-sampling" phase of the mission, which completed in early July 2023. After the calibration phase, SWOT entered a 21-day repeat orbit in August 2023 to start the "science" phase of the mission, which is expected to continue through 2025. <br> The L2 sea surface height data product is distributed in one netCDF-4 file per pass (half-orbit) covering the full KaRIn swath width, which spans 10-60km on each side of the nadir track. Sea surface height, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, significant waveheight, and related parameters are provided on a geographically fixed, swath-aligned 2x2 km2 grid (Basic, Expert, Windwave). The sea surface height data are also provided on a finer 250x250 m2 "native" grid with minimal smoothing applied (Unsmoothed).<br> Please note that this collection contains SWOT Version C science data products. <br> This collection is a sub-collection of its parent: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_2.0 It provides the "Expert" file from each L2 SSH product, which contain all related variables and is intended for expert users.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_EXPERT_2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2799465497-POCLOUD
SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Data Product - Unsmoothed, Version C
https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2799465503-POCLOUD.xmlDescription:The SWOT Level 2 KaRIn Low Rate Sea Surface Height Unsmoothed Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides global sea surface height and significant wave height observations derived from low rate (LR) measurements from the Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn). SWOT launched on December 16, 2022 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California into a 1-day repeat orbit for the "calibration" or "fast-sampling" phase of the mission, which completed in early July 2023. After the calibration phase, SWOT entered a 21-day repeat orbit in August 2023 to start the "science" phase of the mission, which is expected to continue through 2025. <br> The L2 sea surface height data product is distributed in one netCDF-4 file per pass (half-orbit) covering the full KaRIn swath width, which spans 10-60km on each side of the nadir track. Sea surface height, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, significant waveheight, and related parameters are provided on a geographically fixed, swath-aligned 2x2 km2 grid (Basic, Expert, Windwave). The sea surface height data are also provided on a finer 250x250 m2 "native" grid with minimal smoothing applied (Unsmoothed).<br> Please note that this collection contains SWOT Version C science data products. <br> This collection is a sub-collection of its parent: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_2.0 It provides the "Unsmoothed" file from each L2 SSH product, which includes all related variables on the finer resolution "native" grid with minimal smoothing applied.
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Minimum Bounding Rectangle: -90 -180 90 180POCLOUD Short Name: SWOT_L2_LR_SSH_UNSMOOTHED_2.0 Version ID: 2.0 Unique ID: C2799465503-POCLOUD